Women's Corner

“It’s like someone ran over you.”

Comedian Doully always tries to make people laugh. And yet, her daily life is not always happy: she suffers from an incurable and degenerative illness.

Doully could take up the famous phrase of Desproges: “Yes, we can laugh at everything, we must laugh at everything“. The comedian, who can be found on the airwaves of France Inter, sank into drug addiction as a teenager and had three cardiac arrests due to overdoses. However, she talks about it with humor and continues to have fun disasters that happened to him She even makes fun of his voice.bum“.

A few years ago, she discovered that she had Charcot disease Marie-Tooth. She always confides with derision about her daily life which is far from funny.

What are the symptoms of Doully disease?

Doully, whose full name is Doully Millet, agreed to tell in a very courageous testimony behind the scenes of his fight against the disease, in a video for Konbini. “I haven’t had any reflexes since I was little. (…) I can’t hold a pen normally. (…) Problem with balance, walking, hands trembling“What bothers her the most on a daily basis? It’s back pain.”It’s like someone ran over your spine“, she says.

And this inevitably handicaps her on a daily basis, even though she is doing an artistic job. “You can’t stand for long, you’ll notice that I’m either attached to a microphone stand (it’s my stage cane) or I have a high stool“. The comedian and actress, who can currently be found in the casting of the comedy series Terminal on Canal +, explains with a laugh that there is no treatment for this debilitating pathology.

Doully victim of people’s malice

Doully has a disabled card in order to have a place on the bus or to avoid queuing, for example in supermarkets. “Since it’s not visible (Editor’s note, his illness), when I take out the card, the disabled card, you quickly have the impression that I have falsified the thing, in fact. 80% of disabilities are invisible“, she explains. And as a result, she often receives unpleasant comments from people. “Oh no, it’s okay for the disabled, babies and what not.” threw a woman in front of a tail at a young mother. “And I am here next to you, I am a living being“, recalls the comic.

She also recounts the surreal scene of a woman on a bus who refuses to give up her seat, preferring an elderly lady, at the other end, who didn’t even want to sit down, in the end.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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