Women's Corner

the fault of cortisone, it can be explained…

Marie Myriam is the last French candidate to have won Eurovision. It was in 1977. Invited to “Jordan de Luxe”, she gave her news (her salary, her career) and explained, among other things, her recent weight gain.

Marie Myriam became famous for winning the Eurovision trophy under the banner of France, 47 years ago… And France has never won since! Although she then continued her career in music, she never experienced the same notoriety as with this competition. The one who was in a relationship with Patrick Sébastien looks back on her current life in Luxury Jordan. Her weight gain, her small retirement and the end of her singing career, the 67-year-old singer says it all.

Marie Myriam “swelled” because of the cortisone and not only that…

Marie Myriam first spoke about her weight to Jordan de Luxe. The artist revealed that she has currently been following the 14-hour intermittent fasting diet for a short time. But his weight gain is not new. “For a few years I took cortisone, in fact we are bloated”, she indicated.

The artist was forced to take this treatment because she had a vocal cord problem while she had to sing for a tour she had just signed. But then she regained her wasp waist. “And now, with age, it comes back, but without cortisone“, she revealed with humor to explain her new kilos, which made the slim C8 presenter laugh.

Marie Myriam: her little retirement, why she stopped singing…

Marie Myriam cannot afford to splurge financially! The singer receives less than a minimum wage per month. “I’m not going to complain, I have 1200€ per month“, she revealed. The presenter of the show, shocked by the small amount, then asked her if she managed to live on such a sum. “Yes, I have a little money saved, I have a little CD sales, I have Adami (Editor’s note Administration of the rights of artists and performing musicians)”.

But then, why did Marie Myriam stop singing? “The fact that my husband is no more, I stopped singing“, she clarified. Her daily life has become a “nightmare” for her since Michel Elmosnino died in 2013. “I asked that all my concerts be canceled, but I forgot one which was barely a month after Michel’s death“, she then said before adding that she burst into tears when she had to go on stage that evening. “I worked with Michel, so it’s difficult to work without him”, she had also confided to Faustine Bollaert on France 2, some time ago.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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