
Aboul Gheit: The Arab summit was characterized by calm… and the Palestinian issue was the focus and foundation

Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, confirmed that the Arab Summit in its 33rd session was characterized by extreme smoothness and calm and that it did not witness any disagreements, indicating that the Palestinian issue, the situation in Gaza and the Rafah issue dominated the summit’s work, which confirms the leaders’ and governments’ sense of the need To focus on this issue.

Aboul Gheit said during a joint press conference with Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al-Zayani that the summit’s work dealt with economic, political and social issues, but the Palestinian issue was the focus and basis, as this appeared. It is evident through the leaders’ issuance of a special statement, in addition to the fact that half of the summit’s declaration was devoted to the Palestinian issue.

For his part, Bahraini Foreign Minister Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al-Zayani said that the Bahrain declaration condemned the devastating war on the Gaza Strip and the resulting killings. And destruction against the Palestinian people, adding that the atmosphere of the Bahrain Summit embodied a positive and dedicated spirit that expresses the determination of Arab leaders to strengthen Arab solidarity and unify efforts and energies to confront all the challenges facing the Arab world.

He stressed that the Arab Summit – held today in the capital Bahraini, Manama – discussed the reports submitted by the General Secretariat of the Arab League on the process of joint Arab action and efforts to enhance Arab cooperation and integration at the political and economic levels, and they adopted the recommendations submitted and decisions related to the items related to the agenda.

The Bahraini Foreign Minister added that the Arab leaders They stressed the importance of promoting the values ​​of tolerance between religions and cultures to achieve peace and harmony in the entire world, rejecting support for armed groups that operate outside the sovereignty of the state, combating terrorism in all its forms, combating extremism, hate speech and incitement, preserving freedom of maritime navigation, and freeing the Middle East from weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons. To strengthen companies with international blocs and friendly countries to enhance mutual respect and cooperation, with a commitment to cooperate with the United Nations to confront global challenges, maintain international peace and security, and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.

Al-Zayani pointed out that Arab leaders have approved the initiatives presented by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Bahrain is first: Issuing a collective call to hold an international conference under the auspices of the United Nations to resolve the Palestinian issue on the basis of a two-state solution that ends the Israeli occupation of all occupied Arab territories and embodies an independent, sovereign and viable Palestinian state in accordance with international legitimate resolutions. Living in security and peace alongside Israel is a way to achieve peace. And just and comprehensive.

Second: Immediate action and communication with the foreign ministers of Western countries and countries of the world to urge them to recognize the State of Palestine.

Third: Providing educational services to those affected by conflicts and disputes in the region.

Fourth: Providing health services to those affected by conflicts and conflicts in the region, improving health care and providing medicines and vaccines.

Fifth: Developing Arab cooperation in the field of financial technology, innovation and digital transformation.

He pointed out The Kingdom of Bahrain, as the initiator of the initiatives, will take the initiative to work on their implementation in cooperation and coordination with the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States and relevant international bodies and institutions.

Al-Zayani added that the Kingdom of Bahrain is honored to host the international conference to resolve the Palestinian issue in support of the rights of the Palestinian people and the establishment of peace. Just and comprehensive in the region.

The Bahraini Foreign Minister continued: Given the nature of developments in the Gaza Strip, the summit issued a statement regarding the tragic situation in the Strip and the Israeli attack on the Rafah crossing, which resulted in displacement and great difficulties in bringing in humanitarian aid.

Al-Zayani stressed that the Arab leaders at the Bahrain summit condemned in the strongest terms the continued brutal Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, the crimes committed against civilians from the Palestinian people, and the unprecedented Israeli violations of international and humanitarian law, including targeting civilians and civilian facilities and using siege weapons. Starvation and attempts at forced displacement, resulting in the killing and wounding of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians.

Al-Zayani explained that the Arab leaders have condemned the extension of the Israeli aggression to the Palestinian city of Rafah, which has become a refuge for more than a million displaced people, and the resulting humanitarian consequences. Disastrous.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bahrain also called for activating the role of relevant international mechanisms to conduct independent and impartial investigations and hold accountable those responsible for the crimes committed against the Palestinian people since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

The Secretary stressed General of the Arab League, that the large attendance witnessed by the summit expresses the strong respect of the states and governments of the Arab nation for Bahrain and for King Hamad bin Isa personally, as he managed the matter wisely and calmly, which led to the summit being held and ending without any disagreements.

Aboul Gheit pointed out that The summit took a very important decision, which is to assign everyone who proposes an initiative during his presidency of the summit to supervise the implementation of this initiative and to make an effort to implement it and not leave it in the hands of the international community or in the hands of the Arab League, pointing out that it is an important idea because it keeps all kinds of initiatives alive.< /p>

The Secretary-General of the Arab League added that there is a possibility of holding a special international conference on Palestine, indicating that there are many countries that support the establishment of this conference, and it is a proposal adopted by the Cairo Peace Summit in 2023, in which many Arab and European countries participated.< /p>

He explained that there is an international trend for this conference to be held, but there must be a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and stability of matters, stressing that there is also a necessity to launch a political process for a Palestinian settlement with international support.

Abu stressed. Al-Gheit stressed the importance of the role of the Security Council in supporting this process, which requires convincing the five permanent members to support the establishment of an international conference for Palestine.

Aboul Gheit pointed out that Bahrain requested to host this conference, as well as Spain, which confirms that there are indicators He was positive about holding the conference, and said that he was certain that the idea of ​​holding an international conference on Palestine was very likely and that the issue of establishing a Palestinian state was also close, stressing that what happened in Palestine now revealed an unprecedented flaw in this crisis and placed the world before its responsibility for the necessity of resolving this crisis as soon as possible. Time.

Aboul Gheit highlighted the presence of the Secretary-General of the United Nations at the Arab Summit, and the international positions taken since the beginning of the crisis, which indicate a change in views towards the Palestinian crisis.

For his part, The Bahraini Foreign Minister said that the Arab Summit sent a real and strong message to the whole world that the Arabs want peace in their region and the world, adding that peace will lead to the right to life stipulated in international and human rights laws.

Al-Zayani pointed out the necessity of Striving to provide a safe life for future generations, stressing the necessity of striving to develop joint Arab action towards the Palestinian issue, and moving with a unified diplomatic effort to mobilize countries to recognize the Palestinian state.

The Secretary-General of the Arab League stressed that the international system is in need of reform and that What is happening has dropped the claims of political morality, adding that the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip revealed the ugly face of everyone who supported the occupation. Aboul Gheit wondered about the international community’s reaction if this aggression was against European countries where blood was shed. Would the world have remained silent as is happening now? Towards Gaza?

Aboul Gheit pointed out that there are many international and human rights bodies and institutions that were raising slogans to defend the rights of some individuals here or there, but they fell in the face of the brutal crimes being committed in the Gaza Strip, which claimed the lives of tens of thousands.

In response to a question regarding the proposal for the presence of Arab peacekeeping forces in the Gaza Strip, “Aboul Gheit” confirmed that everything that is happening in this context is part of the assumptions that talk about the day after the war in Gaza, which assumes the judiciary. On the Hamas movement, but the reality on the ground is that the military battles are still continuing without a resolution.

He said that the proposals in this regard are currently being presented in Western newspapers only, and they talk about Arab or Western peacekeeping forces in Gaza, and we are in The Arab League is following very carefully everything that is happening on this issue in the media, but no party is talking to us about what is on the table.

He added that these proposals assume the destruction of the Hamas movement and the removal of its ability to administer power in the Gaza Strip, and thus it will be There is a need for a new authority. This new authority will have the military and security capabilities to secure the Strip, and as a transitional stage, Arab or international peacekeeping forces will enter.

He continued, “Just yesterday, I read a report in the Wall Street Journal.” The American League spoke about the failure of the Israeli army to destroy Hamas, and therefore these theses that talk about removing a force and bringing in an alternative force are all ideas awaiting the end of the fighting in the Gaza Strip, so we should not rush and wait to see.”

The Secretary-General of the Arab League stressed, The stability of Gaza is extremely needed because after this great fighting and destruction, there must be authority, capacity, and insurance for the people of the Gaza Strip, not necessarily from Israeli aggression, but from plundering and looting if the Gaza Strip remains in a chaotic situation.


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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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