
AFLPA concussion survey reveals one in 10 players ignored symptoms

Meanwhile, a list of the latest retracted articles published between 2005 and 2007 appeared online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine on May 10 and included four “warm-up” articles, a book review and a letter.

Associate Professor McCrory agreed to the decision to retract them, which was made following an investigation by the journal and its content integrity team.

McCrory was the journal’s editor-in-chief from 2001-2008. An investigation in 2021-22 found that some of McCrory’s work was the subject of publication misconduct and 10 articles were retracted.

Previous allegations of plagiarism against McCrory led to the AFL commissioning an independent report into his activity and other issues connected with work and sports-related concussion, which was handed down in October 2022. The AFL report stated that “the instances of plagiarism that we have identified, which are detailed in this report, are limited and, in our view, they do not affect or taint the work that Associate Professor McCrory has undertaken for the AFL or the substantive findings in the works authored or co-authored by Associate Professor McCrory.”


As a result of the report, the AFL apologised to past players who were involved in a project that promised to examine the long-term effect of concussion through research McCrory was involved in co-ordinating.

The investigation found that his academic reputation had an “embarrassing blemish”, but that it did not taint his work. The panel also recommended the AFL take a more formal approach to managing concussion and the review was provided to the coroner in his investigation into the death of former Richmond midfielder Shane Tuck.

The Age contacted the British Journal of Sports Medicine and Associate Professor McCrory for comment.

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