
Ahmed Hamdy: The public is a morale boost for the Confederation’s coronation

Ahmed Hamdy, player of the first football team at Zamalek Club, said that his team finished the first half of the Confederation Cup final in Morocco, and will play the second half in Cairo, explaining that the fans will support the team in next Sunday’s match against Morocco’s RS Berkane.

The player added in statements on the sidelines of the media activities of the Confederation of African Football (CAF): “We are looking forward to achieving victory, winning the title, and making the fans of Zamalek Club happy.”

He continued: “ Zamalek was not at its best in the first half during the first leg, and the team conceded two goals in the first 20 minutes, and the team was able to hold on and score a goal in the second half  This is due to the character of the team’s players.

Ahmed Hamdy added. He said: “We will make every effort not to let down the fans who will attend the match to support the team, and we will focus on achieving victory, and we studied the opponent well in order to achieve the goal and win the title.”

The player concluded his statements by saying: I hope it will be a championship. The Confederation is my first title with Zamalek in my career with the club.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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