Middle East

prize "Hamdan – UNESCO" Discussing preparations for launching its next session

Paris, May 19 / WAM / The jury of the “Hamdan – UNESCO Award for Developing Teacher Performance” during its meetings over the past two days at the headquarters of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in the French capital, Paris, discussed the ongoing preparations for the launch of the next session of the award and studied the latest nominations submitted.

The committee expressed its great confidence that the next cycle of the award will contribute to achieving UNESCO’s educational goals, and will be a step towards improving the reality of education worldwide, and appreciated the UAE’s continued support for UNESCO’s education programs.

UNESCO attaches great importance to this award – which amounts to 300,000 US dollars – due to its great role in supporting workers in the field of education, encouraging them to improve their performance and enhancing their effectiveness.

This award represents a key instrument for UNESCO to achieve the goal of Education for All, which the organization seeks to achieve by improving the quality of education and enhancing the competence of teachers around the world.

His Excellency Ali Abdullah Al Ali, Permanent Representative of the UAE to UNESCO, affirmed the UAE’s permanent support and keenness to strengthen UNESCO’s programs in the field of education. He said: “The UAE considers education a fundamental pillar of sustainable development and social progress, so we are committed to supporting all initiatives.” Which aims to improve the quality of education around the world.

His Excellency added: “The Hamdan-UNESCO Award for Developing Teacher Performance has become an effective tool for UNESCO to encourage distinguished educational practices, and we are proud to see its impact in motivating teachers and appreciating their efforts in various parts of the world.”

He stressed that the UAE will continue its support for this award and other UNESCO programs, based on its deep belief in the importance of education in building a better future. He said: “We are confident that cooperation with UNESCO will contribute to achieving our common vision towards high-quality education for all, and enhance the chances of success.” and development in different societies.

For his part, Dr. Khalifa Al Suwaidi, Secretary General of the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Educational Performance, explained that the “Hamdan-UNESCO Award” aims to support, encourage and enhance the performance and effectiveness of teachers, to achieve the goals of education for all, and seeks to appreciate teachers who demonstrate excellence in their educational practices. , which contributes to raising the level of education worldwide.

Al Suwaidi pointed out that the award is not limited to providing financial support only, but goes beyond that to provide an international platform that contributes to facilitating the sharing and dissemination of distinguished practices related to teachers, stressing that investing in teachers is an investment in the future as they play a pivotal role in developing the skills of future generations and enabling them to achieve success. “To their full potential, we are committed to supporting teachers and providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed in their noble mission.”

He said: “The Hamdan Award – UNESCO is one of the main initiatives that we adopt to achieve the vision of the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for distinguished educational performance. We are proud to contribute to improving education globally and look forward to seeing more achievements that teachers will achieve thanks to this award.”

This year’s session of the award – which will honor its winners next October in Paris – witnessed a great demand for participation, and received more than 100 nominations from 33 countries, which reflects the growing confidence in the award and its effective role in developing education on a global level.

Carlos Vargas Tamez, Director of Education Development at UNESCO, confirmed that the “Hamdan-UNESCO Award” is considered an important honor and a great encouragement for the development of teachers, and an incentive to improve the quality of teacher education on a global level, indicating that UNESCO seeks through this award to enhance its vision aimed at transforming teaching. To a collaborative career.

Tamez said: “The award helps us strengthen cooperation programs between teachers from different countries, which contributes to the exchange of ideas and successful educational practices. This cooperation not only enhances the individual skills of teachers, but also contributes to building an international network of professionals in the field of education who work together.” To achieve common educational goals.

He pointed out that the award encourages teachers to innovate and adopt new and innovative teaching methods, which leads to improving the quality of education and providing better educational opportunities for students around the world. He said: “We at UNESCO are proud of our partnership with the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation for Distinguished Educational Performance. We look forward to continuing to work together to enhance the role of teachers and develop education on a global level.”

In turn, Borin Shakroun, Director of Policies and Lifelong Learning Systems at UNESCO, appreciated the UAE’s support for UNESCO’s programs in the field of education, noting that this support embodies a strong commitment to improving the quality of education at the global level.

He pointed out that thanks to the close cooperation between the UAE and UNESCO, positive and tangible results have been achieved in improving the quality of education, providing equal educational opportunities for all, and building a better future for humanity.

Bourin Shakroun said: “The Hamdan Award – UNESCO constitutes a fundamental focus in our efforts to enhance the quality of education and improve educational practices around the world, and by honoring distinguished teachers and encouraging them to adopt the right practices, we seek to achieve the goals of sustainable development and achieve education for all.”

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