
Premier League: Jürgen Klopp, the departure of a giant who took Liverpool to the roof of Europe

“We have gained so much with Bob Paisley and Bill Shankly”, can we hear in one of the emblematic songs Liverpool fans. To the two legendary coaches of the Reds of the 60s and 70s, they will soon be able to add Jürgen Klopp. The German manager, who arrived in Liverpool in October 2015, will play his last match against Wolverhampton, Sunday May 19 (5 p.m.), before handing over to Arne Slot.

“It won’t be nice, but saying goodbye without feeling sad or hurt would have meant that the time we spent together wasn’t good.”declared the German technician on Friday. Arriving from Dortmund when the Reds were coming out of a mediocre sixth place in the league, Klopp has, in nine years, forever marked the history of the club.

First of all, in terms of titles: eight in total, including a league title (2020), the first in 30 years for Liverpool. But also a sixth Champions League (2019), an FA Cup (2022) and two League Cups (2022 and 2024). A short but intense domination of European football.

But if Jürgen Klopp left such a mark on the Mersey club, it is because he immediately knew how to take the measure of the place, where “Before you set foot on the pitch, people love you, until you disappoint them. We have never really disappointed them”greeted the coach on Friday.

The one who will soon be 57 years old has made a mark through his natural charisma, his closeness to the public, whom he harangues with angry punches every time he wins, and his playing philosophy based on constant intensity.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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