
Congolese authorities say they foiled a coup attempt

The authorities of the African state of the Democratic Republic of Congo announced the suppression of an attempted military coup. Authorities say the alleged coup mastermind has been killed and about 50 people have been arrested. Among those arrested are three United States citizens, told Reuters representative of the Congolese army.

Early in the morning of May 19, in the capital Kinshasa, two groups of armed men tried to attack the presidential palace, as well as the house of a deputy and candidate for the post of speaker of parliament. It is alleged that two guards were killed in the shootout, and there were also deaths from the attackers.

Authorities subsequently reported the killing of the alleged leader of the coup attempt, opposition politician Christian Malanga, who had lived for some time in the United States. It is alleged that he was killed during an attempt to seize the presidential palace. No details are provided. Earlier, a video appeared on Malanga’s Facebook in which he talks about his intention to overthrow the authorities. According to unconfirmed reports, one of the detained American citizens is the son of a murdered opposition leader. US Ambassador to Congo Lucy Tumlin said that the embassy is extremely concerned about reports from the authorities about the possible participation of American citizens in the coup attempt, and promised to provide full assistance to the authorities of the republic in the investigation, as the report says, of the “criminal actions” of the rebels.

Malanga was one of the most prominent Congolese opposition figures living abroad. It is reported that he previously created the so-called government of New Zaire in exile. Under President Mobutu Sese Seko, who was overthrown in 1997, the current Democratic Republic of Congo was officially called Zaire.

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  • Source of information and images “svoboda

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