Middle East

"Consultation for building the National Library collections" Emphasizes the importance of activating partnerships between the private and public sectors

Abu Dhabi, May 21 / WAM / The Supreme Advisory Committee for Building the National Library’s Collections in the Archives and the National Library reviewed what the library requires in terms of collections that distinguish its identity, enhance its efficiency, and meet the requirements of its patrons, including books, references, scientific periodicals, university dissertations, and database design.

During the first meeting of 2024 at the Archives and National Library headquarters, the committee stressed the necessity of activating partnerships between the private and public sectors to enhance the process of building library collections and discussed challenges and solutions.

She pointed out the importance of sources and references that document the history of the Emirates, as history is the vessel of civilization and culture, and interest in it is a characteristic of nations looking to the future and capable of achieving and achieving major goals.

The committee stressed that national memory is one of the elements of the strength of countries and the solidity of their national fabric, pointing out that the culture in the Emirates is diverse, vibrant, and rich in historical heritage, and preserving it means preserving an important part of the Emirati identity and strengthening the knowledge economy.

The meeting was attended by His Excellency Mohammed Ahmed Al Murr, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Archives and the National Library, His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Raisi, Member of the Board of Directors, and His Excellency Abdullah Majid Al Ali, Director General of the Archives and the National Library.

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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