
Urgent| A Russian website reveals details of a crime in Iranian space

The “Avia Pro” website claimed The Russian specialist in military affairs reported that the drone, Bayraktar Akinci, which was searching for the site of the crash of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter, Iranian airspace, flew over the country’s strategic targets. 


< div class="full-width clearfix">"FootageFootage published by the Russian website shows the Turkish drone crossing over Iranian strategic sites


The Russian website continued its claims that the Turkish drone, during its flight, passed over Khoy Airport, Tabriz Airport, and many Iranian military bases, which aroused great interest and concern.


The “Avia Pro” website claimed The Russian military affairs specialist said that the incident represented an unexpected development in the region and attracted the attention of NATO and Turkey, as they were able to obtain high-quality images of Iranian military facilities, some of which are classified as secret. 

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The “Avia Pro” website said: A Turkish drone flight over major Iranian facilities  provided valuable intelligence information that could have serious implications for regional security.

The Russian website added that the search for the location of the helicopter crash of the late Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was the reason. The official announcement of a Turkish drone penetrating Iranian airspace, but the fact of flying over strategic targets raised many questions. 

Analysts point out that this flight could provide Turkey and NATO with a unique opportunity to collect data on the situation of Iranian infrastructure and military bases.  

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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