Health and Wellness

Here’s what’s in store this month

This is one of the biggest astrological months of the year, and time may likely feel like it’s moving at quantum speed. Not only are we in eclipse season – which is always a marker of when the Gods and Goddesses at hand are pulling the puppet strings of our destinies – the first Mercury Retrograde of 2024 also begins in the sign Aries on the April 2. So, needless to say, your April 2024 horoscopes are going to be a big one.

We also have one of the most anticipated transits of the year. Jupiter and Uranus meet in Taurus on the 21st, and the last time these planets came together was in 2010. Picture Jupiter as a cosmic storyteller, weaving narratives about our world and its poetic evolution, while Uranus serves as the catalyst for challenging norms and revolutionising broken structures.

As these planetary giants unite in the sign of Taurus, the world could expect some volatile global shifts, particularly in financial markets and our approach to the climate crisis. It’s no coincidence that this conjunction aligns with the start of Taurus season on the 20th, coinciding with World Earth Day. How to navigate this cosmic terrain? Control what’s in your hands, and let the fates do the rest. When in doubt, say the serenity prayer in the morning just to be safe!


This Mercury retrograde cycle begins on the 2nd in your sign, so it’s a significant time for you to reflect on how you’ve truly been cruising through life on your own terms. And if you haven’t, it’s time to take full ownership of where you want to go and how you’ll get there. The last time we had Mercury retrograde in Aries was in Spring 2017, so take a look back and see what themes and patterns emerged during that time. Although the cycle ends on the 25th, the shadow period extends for another two weeks. Are you open to change? The April 9 New Moon eclipse in Aries presents a powerful opportunity to envision how you want your future to be. Whether that’s living in Mexico to opening up your home baking business. Let go of what hasn’t worked, and move the cynical hat over to the side.


This is a significant month for you. Not only does the New Moon eclipse in Aries fall in your house of the subconscious on the 9th, but it also prompts you to realise how much of your gifts and talents you’ve been hiding from the world. Whatever the eclipse wakes you up at night to think about, you can put it into action just two weeks later. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus come together on April 21, marking a pivotal turning point in stepping into your authenticity. It’s a month of radical new beginnings, but also involves making essential choices about what needs to be cast, so you can fully invest your time and resources into this new unfolding story.


Jupiter is wrapping up its journey through your 12th house, where it has been for the past year, helping you to get in touch with your spiritual essence. Supporting you to ask the right questions about what it means to live a purposeful and intentional life. In fact, you may have signed up to an unusual amount of meditation classes. And if you’re lucky this month might deliver a mentor to your doorstep. Take this month as a prepping season, to study all that you’ve learned, especially as the New Moon eclipse in Aries lands in your house of dreams and wishes on the 8th. Next month Jupiter moves into Gemini which will be a prime time to pop the homework you’ve learned into practical use.


Mercury retrograde knocks on the door of your career sector on the 2nd, so do your due diligence and double-check your work so that you don’t miss any key details. For the first three weeks don’t take on too much work, and carefully mine through your career goals that you set for yourself at the start of the year. Which intentions need refining? Do you need to sit with a few of them for a little longer before you’re ready to take charge? Keep an eye out for April 21, as the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction occurs in your network sector. Don’t hesitate to accept unexpected invitations during this time, as they may lead to exciting opportunities and new connections.


When was the last time you created for joy and without expectations of the outcome? The New Moon Eclipse in Aries unlocks your zone of exploration on the 9th, helping you to embody your inner child spirit. A new visionary concept could help you to see that you’ve actually been using 20% of your creative flair. Crossing into international waters might even be an option to experience new heights of your creativity. Don’t think too granularly, and trust your intuition more than ever. This ties into the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th, as it highlights your family tree. Think about what inherited beliefs are stifling your growth. Break the family norms and set yourself free.


We all know how much you love to give yourself a quarterly review. And it would be wise to make sure that your goals clearly align with your vision board at the start of the month. If you’ve been lacking some Dutch courage, the New Moon eclipse in Aries lights a match in your 9th house of power, transformation and renewal. How to best take advantage of this energy? Work on your biggest goals of the year, as you can bulldoze through a number of your ambitions without listening to the voice of the inner critic to slow you down. However, beware of Mercury’s retrograde tactics between the 2nd – 25th, which may entice you to overthink your steps. When in doubt, ask yourself this: When have I allowed fear to dictate my actions? How did that impact my mission, purpose and self-belief?


Last month, the Full Moon eclipse in Libra on the 25th quite possibly pushed some hefty existential questions on your lap. From people to how you’ve been taking authority over your own life, new lines of thought have been released. Now, the eclipse storyline continues as the New Moon eclipse in Aries on the 9th falls into your house of relationships. Propelling you to step outside of your head and actually make some important decisions that you may have been tossing up. As much as your tarot cards might help you to make decisions, it’s important that you’re able to tune into your own inner voice. Looking for a new beau? Keep your eyes peeled as Miss Luna could possibly bring someone new into your romantic sphere unexpectedly. And, you might have to decide quickly whether you’re willing to take the risk due to Mercury Retrograde’s track into your zone of relationship between the 2nd – 25th.


This month marks a significant period of self-actualisation for you. The New Moon eclipse in Aries on the 9th, expands into your zone of routine. It’s a time of shedding old habits so that you can commit to the full scale of your vision. Pay close attention to the Full Moon in Scorpio on the 24th, which falls in your house of selfhood. You’ll feel renewed as you release emotional baggage you may not have been aware of. Your dreaming world may offer you potent insights into your emotional blind spots. Where have you been skipping out on taking care of yourself? One of the most well talked about transits of the year could cause a big stir in your relational field. Jupiter and Taurus unite in Taurus on the 21st, which could make you rebel against anyone in your way. Take notes from Eleven in Stranger Things.


Your creative power is in for a shake-up this month. If you’ve been procrastinating on an idea, the New Moon Solar eclipse in Aries on the 9th may push you into action. Mercury retrograde in Aries could actually help you to delve into different creative mediums you never considered before; remember that excitement often lies on the other side of fear, so embrace it. As the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction lands in your work sector on the 21st, you may find yourself juggling multiple tasks. Clear your schedule to make room for brainstorming new ideas or inventive pivots if necessary.


On the 2nd, Mercury Retrograde in Aries joins your house of emotions, encouraging you to express your feelings more openly. By sharing it could help you to see more layers of you that you didn’t know there. Eclipses bring us into the crossroads, and the New Moon eclipse in Aries on the 9th will prompt you to consider where you can establish long-term roots. Do you feel like you belong in your home town or do you feel the urge to explore new landscapes? Leading you to question whether your current environment fosters your growth or if you’d thrive better elsewhere.


Don’t hesitate to share your ideas with friends, your digital network, or even your barista at the local coffee shop— you never know who might be listening. The New Moon eclipse in Aries on the 9th sends a messenger into your communication sector, making it an ideal time to showcase your thoughts and ideas on the public stage. You don’t need to make sense of it all just yet; allow your intuition to guide you. The long-awaited Jupiter and Uranus conjunction in Taurus occurs in your home zone on the 21st, so pull out your backpack from your closet and sign up to Duolingo. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go, and who would you want to bring with you?


Pisces, start the month by asking yourself this ‘What does self-worth mean to me? How do I define it? Venus enters Aries on the 5th, gifting you with some magic to shine from the inside out. The New Moon eclipse in Aries on the 9th, will remind you to make decisions that prioritise your needs and desires, without constantly trying to make everyone else happy. Plus, if you’ve been diminishing the value of your skills and talents or not adequately pricing them, the eclipse serves as a catalyst for reshaping those stories. You deserve to be fully recognised for what you bring to the table whether that be in relationships or within your work team.