Middle East

urgent.. "My thanks" He reaffirms Egypt’s categorical rejection and warning against any Israeli military operation in Palestinian Rafah

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry on Monday reiterated Egypt’s categorical rejection and unquestionable warning against any Israeli military operation in Palestinian Rafah, as it would entail a humanitarian catastrophe that would spiral out of control and unprecedented complications.


This came during Shukri’s reception today at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with his German counterpart, Annalena Baerbock, where they held extensive discussions that mostly dealt with the situation in the Gaza Strip and efforts to stop the ongoing war, in addition to a number of regional and international issues that are a priority for both sides, in addition to Ways to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries… according to what was stated by Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zaid, the official spokesman and director of the Public Diplomacy Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


The discussions also addressed various aspects of the crisis in Gaza and the international efforts made to reach a ceasefire and reduce the worsening humanitarian suffering of the residents of the Strip.


Shoukry stressed the inevitability of enforcing the truce and ceasefire in Gaza as soon as possible, reviewing the communications and efforts made by Egypt at all levels, including communications with the American side and mediation efforts between Hamas and Israel with the aim of reaching a truce that leads to peace. Permanent ceasefire.


The Foreign Minister stressed the need to join international efforts to put pressure on Israel to ensure the full entry of humanitarian aid, open the land crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip, and not place obstacles to the arrival of aid to all areas of the Gaza Strip, including northern Gaza.


For her part, the German Foreign Minister stressed the importance of opening all crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip, and removing obstacles that prevent the entry of aid.< /span>


Shukry told his German counterpart, “It is no longer acceptable for the Security Council to continue to be unable to issue a resolution demanding a ceasefire after more than five months of this brutal war and the resulting unprecedented numbers of civilian and child casualties.” And women. Indeed, the Security Council resolutions and measures called for by the International Court of Justice are not respected in full view of the entire international community, including Resolution 2720, which established a UN mechanism responsible for monitoring and verifying the entry of aid from within the Gaza Strip to avoid obstructive Israeli measures. However, The mechanism has not yet been able to carry out its mission.”


The discussions dealt with the unstable security situation in the Red Sea as a result of the escalation of military operations targeting freedom of navigation in this important navigational artery, as the German Foreign Minister expressed her aspiration for coordination and consultation to establish a joint assessment of the nature of the threats and ways to confront them. span>


The two ministers also touched on the path of the political horizon for dealing with the Palestinian issue, where Shukri stressed the importance of resolving the crisis from its roots, and ending the long-term Israeli occupation, based on the vision of the two-state solution and the decisions of international legitimacy… demanding a change in the pattern of international dealings. With the Palestinian issue from the previous approach, and that this begins with a serious move towards recognizing the Palestinian state and approving its full membership within the United Nations.< /span>


The consultations touched on the bilateral aspect of relations between Egypt and Germany, where the two ministers stressed the common desire to strengthen and develop them in various fields, and to build on the momentum generated by the path of upgrading bilateral relations between Egypt and the European Union to the level of a comprehensive strategic partnership.


Shoukry expressed Egypt’s appreciation for the friendly relations and strategic partnership it has with Germany, which is one of the most important Egyptian partnerships in Europe. He praised the major joint projects that have become prominent signs of the success of this partnership.


He stressed Egypt’s aspiration for the next stage to witness a qualitative leap in economic and investment cooperation between the two countries in light of the privileges and facilities granted by the Egyptian government to foreign investments in the Egyptian market.


For her part, the German Foreign Minister stressed the importance that her country attaches to strengthening aspects of cooperation with Egypt, and her country’s appreciation for the pivotal role that Egypt plays in promoting stability in the region, which was confirmed by the current crisis in the Gaza Strip. span>


She noted the importance of moving forward with the implementation of the projects that were agreed upon between the two sides, and building on the success stories achieved by German companies in the fields of transportation, manufacturing, and energy in Egypt, as well as continuing the dialogue between Cairo and Berlin to overcome any obstacles to the development of economic and investment cooperation. Between the two sides.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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