Middle East

Minister of Housing: Decent life projects aimed at improving the livelihood of citizens in the villages most in need

The Minister of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, Dr. Assem Al-Gazzar, confirmed that the projects implemented by the Ministry of Housing and its affiliated entities, within the framework of the presidential initiative “A Decent Life” To develop the Egyptian countryside, it aims to improve the livelihood of citizens in the villages most in need, develop basic services provided to citizens, and work to provide job opportunities in those villages through the implementation of these projects.

This came during the Minister of Housing’s follow-up of the position of drainage projects. Health service to serve a number of villages of the Presidential Initiative " A decent life – first stage " In the Kafr Saad center in Damietta Governorate, which includes the implementation of sewage treatment plants, sewage networks, and expulsion lines, to serve those villages, and is implemented by the National Authority for Drinking Water and Sanitation, affiliated with the Ministry.

Ihab Khader, head of the National Authority, explained For drinking water and sanitation, the Authority is undertaking the implementation of sanitation projects to serve 15 villages in the Kafr Saad center in Damietta Governorate, as well as the implementation of treatment plants with a total capacity of 27 thousand m3/day, and sewage lifting stations within the presidential initiative " A decent life To develop the Egyptian countryside.

Khader added that 160-kilometre-long slope networks and 45-kilometre-long sewage lines have been implemented in those villages, and the implementation of 16 sewage lifting stations has been completed, and work is being completed on the treatment stations, in addition to To 13 villages, the projects were implemented and entered into service immediately before the launch of the initiative.

It is noteworthy that the sewage lifting and treatment stations that serve the villages of the Presidential Initiative " A decent life At the Kafr Saad Center in Damietta, it included (Kafr Saad treatment station – Al-Zahraa village lift station – Saidiya Al-Bahriya village lift station – Al-Badrawi village lift station – Al-Bahaita village lift station in Umm Al-Rizq – Al-Husseiniyah village lift station).

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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