Middle East

Minister of Irrigation: Following up on the status of canal clearing contracts and completing them before the season of maximum water needs

 The Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, Dr. Hani Sweilem, stressed the importance of following up on the status of disinfection contracts and completing them before the season of maximum water needs, and daily monitoring of the ongoing canal rehabilitation operations at the centers of the “Decent Life” initiative, and following up on the status of maintenance of the gates in the management reins, in accordance with This came during a meeting held by the Minister of Irrigation with Engineer Muhammad Qasim, Head of the Central Administration for Water Resources and Irrigation in Sharkia Governorate, as part of his ongoing meetings with heads of departments. Central Water Resources and Irrigation in the governorates, to ensure the readiness of all the ministry’s agencies to deal with the period of maximum water needs.


Suwailem directed the central administration in Sharqia to work on activating the role of water user associations and involving them. In managing and distributing water at the level of waterways and sub-canals and solving problems facing beneficiaries among them before escalating to the relevant Ministry’s agencies, as well as implementing waterway disinfection works in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture’s agencies in preparation for the next season of greatest needs.




He also directed the follow-up of the work of removing encroachments on waterways within the Sharkia Governorate, with a focus on resolving the situation of encroachments on the Mois Sea, setting a timetable for their removal, and taking into account the removal of future encroachments from the cradle before they escalate, as well as coordination between the administration and the Drainage Authority. To follow up on the status of water quality in the Belbeis drain and procedures to improve water quality in the drain. The efficiency of the building of the Central Administration for Water Resources and Irrigation in Sharkia Governorate, reviewing the condition of buildings that have a special and distinctive architectural character, and preserving the historical and architectural character of those buildings when performing any maintenance on them.


Sweilem also directed Working to increase the collection rates of the Ministry of Irrigation’s dues from ministries and other entities, following up on the implementation of the extraordinary excellence circular, coordinating with the Central Property Administration to inventory all irrigation benefits belonging to the Ministry and registering them within the property inventory system, and reviewing the position of forming a committee to determine the ideal rent for residential units and the value determined by the committee. For residential units under the supervision of the central administration.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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