
Who’s Still Going Strong In 2024?

Did you watch Channel Nine’s Married At Fights Sight (MAFS) and want to know which MAFS couples are still together now, beyond the lights, camera and carnage? Well, we’ve got ya covered.

Even though the show’s basically over (MAFS final vows have gone down), there are a shit tonne of punters who froth the reality TV clusterfuck.

You know what that means? They’re following a bunch of pages dedicated to the goss surrounding the series, so when there’s a development in someone’s relationship, we know about it pretty darn quick!

It’s a vicious cycle… BUT MAFS is a shitstorm that you cannot ignore. I mean, it is a show about strangers getting married and trying to forge a relationship on national TV. What’s not to love?

Here’s who’s rumoured to still be together after Married At First Sight 2024

Are Jade and Ridge still together?

(Image: Nine)

TL;DR: 90% yes.

Although MAFS intruders Jade and Ridge looked like a disaster waiting to happen on their wedding day, the pair have gone from strength to strength in the experiment.

During MAFS final vows, the pair decided to stay together and continue their relationship beyond the experiment. At the MAFS 2024 Reunion, the pair announced they had said the L word. Cute!

And it looks like they’ve made it post-show! Photos obtained by Yahoo Lifestyle (which you can see here) shows Ridge leaning in for a kiss on New Year’s Eve, followed by a Bali trip together in February 2024.

As reported by Chattr, Ridge also jumped on a private Facebook page in March 2024 to refute claims that he cheated on Jade. “We’ve had our ups and downs like in any relationship, but I’d never disrespect the future mother of my kids like that,” he wrote in the Facebook group.

Looks like these two might still be together if he’s dropping huge calls for their future like that! Plus, they looked very chummy at the Nova Dinner Party in late March, 2024. He even has her name tattooed on him!

Are Stephen and Michael still together?

(Image source: Nine)

TL;DR: 99.9% no.

Stephen came to the rescue as Michael‘s replacement groom in Episode 14 and we were quickly invested in the pair.

Sadly, Stephen has struggled to find that spark in the relationship, something that really came to light when he started flirting with a hairdresser during a publicity shoot in Episode 22.

Michael reacted by taking his ring off, and Stephen pushed for a friendship between the two rather than animosity.

Unfortunately, Stephen and Michael ditched the experiment in Episode 25. However, the Commitment Ceremony wasn’t so smooth sailing between the pair. Before the couple left the couch, Michael called out his reality TV ex-hubby for not giving his all in the experiment.

When they saw each other at the MAFS 2024 Reunion, Michael joked about still being single to Stephen.

A few days after the episode where they left aired, Stephen revealed to Daily Mail Australia that his relationship with Michael “was hard work”.

“Once I found out that I wasn’t Michael’s original match I was put in to fill the void, that’s when I started to withdraw,” the former groom told the publication.

Stephen also revealed that they’ve “stopped talking” recently.

Are Madeleine and Ash still together?

(Image Source: Nine).

TL;DR: 110% no.

Madeleine and Ash were Season 11’s first MAFS intruder couple and it seemed things were OK. Just OK. Nothing spectacular.

However, the pair did not last that long in the experiment together. I reckon they set a new record for the shortest-lived marriage on the show.

MAFS viewers were left shook to their core after Madeleine and Ash ditched the experiment AFTER the Commitment Ceremony. You see, the rules of MAFS is that if one person writes “stay” and another writes “leave”, the pair have to stay regardless.

However, according to an insider, the pair were allowed to leave 24 hours after the Commitment Ceremony due to the bride’s behaviour.

“Madeleine’s erratic behaviour had raised quite a few eyebrows during her first week on the show, with no one quite sure if she was acting or it was real,” the insider told Yahoo! Lifestyle.

“After Ash wrote to stay – she point blank said to producers she refused to carry on with the experiment and was going home.

“It’s not uncommon for participants to threaten to quit like this and no one can be held against their will, with producers then tasked with talking them around to continue with the experiment.”

Madeleine has yet to speak out following her experience on the show and did not attend the MAFS 2024 Reunion, even though Ash did.

Since then, Ash and Natalie were spotted getting cosy together but later revealed they are just mates.

Are Lauren and Jonathan still together?

(Image Source: Nine)

TL;DR: 135% no.

During Lauren and Jono‘s wedding, there was an initial spark but it eventually fizzled the next morning and during their MAFS honeymoon. At that point, it wasn’t looking too promising, which only accentuated throughout the experiment.

During an interview with The Kyle and Jackie O Show on Tuesday, February 6, Lauren confessed that she and Jono’s “personalities were different”.

“On paper, the experts got it right, but there’s something on paper you can’t put into words,” she said.

That being said, the pair definitely had their good moments, including bonding over Jack’s exposed nipples.

A set of cryptic Instagram snaps from Lauren (reported by Yahoo! Lifestyle) made us wonder if the pair might’ve ended up together after the MAFS experiment, however, that was quickly put to rest when a MAFS couple swap that included Jono and Ellie came to light.

Ellie and Jono were caught smooching in the shots obtained by The Daily Mail very early on in the experiment airing on our TVs. They were then caught texting during the experiment, confirming that this relationship started in some way, shape or form, while he was with Lauren.

The hopes of Lauren and Jono were crushed during MAFS final vows, where Lauren and Jono both dumped each other. Jono then hard launched his relationship with Ellie at the MAFS 2024 Reunion, which ruffled a few of Australia’s feathers.

But perhaps those shots she shared to her foodie account @so.cooked in January could indicate she’s found love elsewhere?

In one of the shots, she shared a custom-made shirt with her bikini pics and name, with accompanying text reading, “One very lucky boy.”

Make of that what you will!

Are Jayden and Eden still together?

(Image Source: Nine)

TL;DR: 50% yes.

Jayden and Eden got hitched on MAFS in Episode Three and we felt the chemistry oozing from the screen.

MAFS gossip GOAT @MAFSuncensored then shared a sneaky bit of tea back in early February which suggested that Jayden was still with his reality TV bride.

The MAFS goss gurus pulled up a picture of Mitch — former MAFS contestant and Jayden’s bro — with a cute doggo looking exactly like Eden’s.

For reference, I’ve chucked Mitch’s photo on the left and a photo of Eden’s pup — named Cub — on the right.

What was quite interesting was that in the MAFSuncensored screenshot, Mitch mentioned Cub’s name. However, the caption now reads: “What a guy!” Oopsie, Mitch did a woopsie.

The image could’ve been a snapshot of the hometown visits which Mitch was part of.

While Eden and Jayden were still together for the MAFS 2024 Reunion, their relationship status was unclear at the Nova dinner party in late March. In fact, Jayden and Lauren came under fire for flirty video footage at the club afterwards.

Eden’s response to it all makes me think they might be donesies.

“I think both of their behaviour on that night was quite disrespectful of me… It felt almost a little intentional from Lauren’s half to hurt my feelings, and maybe Jayden as well,” Eden told Daily Mail.

This follows rumours from Yahoo Lifestyle! that the pair have broken up four times since filming ended.

“Jayden and Eden are only keeping their relationship public to build publicity around his kickboxing matches,” the source told Yahoo Lifestyle!

“They’ve already broken up four times since the show finished filming and while Eden still has feelings for Jayden, he isn’t into her.”

Are Jack and Tori still together?

(Image Source: Nine)

TL;DR: 100% yes.

Jack and Tori are one of the couples to have survived the reality TV show, according to a Today Show interview they did on Sunday, March 31.

In a lengthy Instagram post, the MAFS gossip page @MAFSuncensored claimed the groom made “an effort since the show wrapped” and had flown in and out of Melbs to continue their relationship.

The juicy Instagram post — which featured pap photos of the MAFS couple spending time together outside of the show — referenced another Daily Mail article where sources claim they’re still together post-reality TV.

“The couple spent Christmas in Melbourne with the gorgeous bride’s family and villain or not, I’m happy for them,” the IG caption reads.

“A close friend of [the] MAFS bride said, ‘Jack has changed for the better since meeting Tori. It’s been a surprise to many, but their connection is genuinely strong.’”

This supports the couple announcing they were still together at the MAFS 2024 Reunion which is understood to have been filmed in December.

Daily Mail has previously claimed that this pair broke up after the show, in an article that dropped in early February.

“Further, Jack’s marriage to Tori has also reportedly crumbled after the Gold Coast personal trainer was exposed to be a love rat,” the article reads.

But I am still surprised that out of all the couples rumoured to be going strong, it’s these two. Especially because: A) Jack is a villain and B) Jack allegedly dumped his real-life girlfriend for the show.

When PEDESTRIAN.TV spoke to Jack and Tori after their final vows, they revealed they’d just moved in together three weeks prior.

“Tori has moved in with me,” Jack revealed.

“We’ve lived together for maybe three weeks ow and we’re very happy. I’m definitely falling in love with Tori.”

Are Tim and Sara still together?

(Image Source: Nine)

TL;DR: 99.9% no.

After that horrid best-man speech about rancid chicken flaps, *that* honeymoon situation and the yelling match at the second MAFS dinner party, it never looked good for this MAFS couple.

And when pap pics showing Tim with another gal were released early in the season, it definitely put the nail in the coffin.

Rumours then spread that Tim had a secret girlfriend while on the show, however, he firmly refutes this claim. Sara, however, was caught having secret meet-ups with her ex-boyfriend in Episode 24.

By the time MAFS Final Vows rolled around the pair committed to each other and then revealed they were still together at the reunion. However, a huge fight erupted that could’ve started a downhill battle for the pair.

Plus, Sara was spotted on Hinge recently.

In conclusion, I’m 99.9% certain these two are donezo.

Are Cassandra and Tristan still together?

MAFS 2024 couples still together
(Image source: Channel Nine)

TL;DR: 100% no.

It was a slow burn for these two, however, it never really eventuated into the flame they both wanted.

I mean, in Episode 25, Cassandra attempted to leave the experiment after she confessed that she didn’t have feelings of love towards Tristan. BTW, she did this on the Commitment Couch after Tristan went on about how much he was falling in love with her in front of the experts. So bloody awkward!

Their relationship finally came to an end in MAFS Episode 29, where the couple decided to be friends and leave the experiment altogether. Seeing each other at the MAFS Reunion, they were friendly but nothing more.

Are Timothy and Lucinda still together?

(Image Source: Nine)

TL;DR: 100% no.

Sadly, no. Lucinda and Timothy left the show just before final vows and have since confirmed that they’re close friends.

The pair were papped together by the Daily Mail Australia in Melbourne just days after their wedding aired on the show, initially sparking rumours they could be an item. MAFS Season 10’s Tahnee Cook also shared a picture of the pair in March at Paypal Fashion Week in Melbourne, alongside Lucinda’s dad.

MAFS 2024 couples still together
(Image source: @itstahnee)

Sorry to say, they’re just friends — even after that sweet peck in MAFS Episode 28 and reuniting at the MAFS Reunion. Anything could happen, though!

Are Natalie and Collins still together?

MAFS 2024 couples still together
(Image source: Nine)

TL;DR: 235% no.

Absolutely not. Natalie and Collins left at the very first MAFS dinner party, only to return to the experiment soon after. At the following MAFS Commitment Ceremony, Natalie wrote leave but Collins wrote stay, meaning they were asked to stay in the experiment for another week.

Following this, Natalie decided she wanted to leave, but the tea is that the both Natalie and Collins were actually “removed” from MAFS.

They reunited for the MAFS 2024 Reunion, however, there wasn’t any sparks or signs or reconnecting. (Can you reconnect if you never really connected in the first place? )

Are Andrea and Richard still together?

(Image source: Nine)

TL;DR: 75% no.

Do you remember that show My Mum, Your Dad and how wholesome it was? Andrea and Richard were exactly that, times 1000000000.

Sadly they took a few steps back after Andrea put up her walls, following Dicky’s comments about their sex life at one of the Commitment Ceremonies. In MAFS Episode 29, the pair called it quits in the experiment and both wrote ‘Leave’.

The pair were spotted together on a coffee date in February 2024, looking like either a) two very affectionate friends or b) happily in a relationship.

There were no signs of a rekindle at the MAFS Reunion and there have even been rumours around Andrea and Timothy which surfaced in April. Time will tell!

Are Ellie and Ben still together?

MAFS 2024 couples still together
(Image source: Nine)

TL;DR: 137769% no.

Definitely not. The pair left MAFS separately after Ellie was fed up with Ben‘s mixed messages.

I don’t think any of us ever really got invested in this relationship. We knew he was rumoured to have been trying to get on MAFS for a while now and he has a podcast (red flag, if you didn’t know).

As mentioned above, Ellie was also spotted pashing another groom — none other than Jono — within the early stages of the experiment airing on TV. They then hard launched during the MAFS 2024 Reunion and Ben appeared to not give a shit.

That being said, Ben did reveal that Ellie thought Jono had a crush on her.

Ben has also confirmed he is in a new relationship during an interview on Ollie Skelton‘s MAFSCAPS podcast. They’ve even moved in together!

So far, it seems like Tori and Jack and Jade and Ridge are the only couples that could be together post-MAFS.

Anyways, any cheeky info on couples making it out of the hell hole that is MAFS will end up here, so keep us in your sexy bookmarks tab for the goss!

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