Middle East

"Ashour" He receives the Minister of State for Science, Tourism and Culture of the German state of Saxony to discuss joint cooperation

Dr. Ayman Ashour, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, received Dr. Georg Andreas Hachsche, Minister of State for Science, Culture and Tourism in the German state of Saxony, Tobias Kruse, Deputy German Ambassador to Cairo, and the delegation accompanying them. With the aim of discussing ways to enhance joint cooperation, at the Ministry’s headquarters in the New Administrative Capital.

 The meeting witnessed the signing of a letter of intent aimed at establishing a platform for joint activities that is compatible with scientific, artistic and academic values, and enhances intellectual property protection and mutual respect, as well as Promoting a safe and inclusive scientific research environment, as well as enhancing accuracy and integrity in the field of research and information security.


The letter of intent also included cooperation in particular in the fields of mathematics, computer science, and natural sciences, technology, arts, music, humanities, tourism, medicine, engineering, and related technologies.


The signing of the letter was witnessed by Dr. Mustafa Refaat, Secretary of the Supreme Council of Universities, and Dr. Muhammad Othman Elkhosht. Acting President of Cairo University, Dr. Al-Sayyed Kandil, President of Helwan University, Dr. Mohamed Diaa Zein Al-Abidin, President of Ain Shams University, Dr. Sherif Saleh, Head of the Cultural Affairs and Missions Sector, and Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabbagh, Advisor to the Minister for Technical and Technological Education.


During the letter signing ceremony, the Minister stressed the importance of cooperation between Egypt and Germany in the field of higher education and scientific research, as this represents support for sustainable development in the two countries, praising the distinguished scientific cooperation between Egypt and Germany, whether in joint programs for postgraduate studies. Or scholarships and scientific exchange.


Dr. Ayman Ashour reviewed the national strategy for higher education and scientific research, whose goals include enhancing international cooperation, expanding partnerships with all countries of the world, and internationalizing The Egyptian higher education system, pointing to the Egyptian efforts to develop the educational system, which resulted in a significant expansion in the establishment of foreign university branches, in addition to the expansion undertaken by the Egyptian government in the establishment of private and technological universities, bringing the total number of universities within the Arab Republic of Egypt to 109 universities. Between governmental, private, private, technological and framework and international agreements, making Egypt a leading educational destination in the level of services it provides, in addition to developing the scientific research system and directing it towards applied research that serves industry and society.

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The Minister also indicated the expansion of the establishment of technological universities, bringing the total number of universities in which studies began to 10 technological universities. To qualify graduates and provide them with the capabilities and competencies necessary to meet the needs of the labor market for skilled technicians and serve the purposes of industry in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development and Egypt’s Vision 2030.


Dr. Ayman Ashour discussed ways of cooperation with the German side. And to benefit from his experience and capabilities in the field of technological education, the Minister directed the development of a strategic action plan for the proposed cooperation prospects between the two sides, which includes scientific specializations and training programs in which cooperation can be undertaken.


The two sides discussed work mechanisms. To enhance cooperation in the scientific and technological fields, and benefit from the experiences of the German side in developing technological education in Egypt, and the possibility of cooperation between technological universities in Egypt and Germany.


For his part, Dr. Georg stressed Andreas Hachsho is the ministry’s readiness to cooperate with the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, noting his country’s keenness to support cooperation relations with Egypt in various fields, especially higher education, science and technology, noting the importance of strengthening friendly relations that extend for many years between the two sides.


At the conclusion of the meeting, the two sides expressed their hope that this cooperation would contribute to strengthening relations between the two countries and achieve many important achievements in the field of higher education and scientific research.


The meeting was attended by the Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism: Dr. Klaus-Dieter Barbnecht, President of the Technical Academy of Mining and Technology Freiburg and President of the Conference of Rectors of Saxony Universities, Dr. Alexander Krach, President of the University of Zittau/Görlitz, and Vice-President of the Conference of Universities of Saxony From the German Embassy, ​​Lorena Moore, Science and Protocol Advisor, Maha Wissa, Cultural and Science Affairs Officer, and from the Ministry of Higher Education, Dr. Howaida Ezzat, Director General of the General Administration of the Information Office and the Ministry’s official spokesperson.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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