Middle East

Health: Shebin El-Kom Fever Hospital is accredited with comprehensive health insurance

The Ministry of Health and Population announced that the Fever, Digestive and Liver Hospital in Menoufia obtained initial accreditation for quality (GAHAR) as the first hospital affiliated with the therapeutic medicine sector, as part of preparations for implementing the comprehensive health insurance system in the governorate.


Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, the official spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, said that the Ministry seeks to accredit all its medical facilities in accordance with the national quality standards issued by the General Authority for Health Accreditation and Control “GAHAR” It is internationally accredited by ESCWA, within the framework of achieving quality standards in health care and patient safety and security.


Abdul Ghaffar pointed out the importance of concerted efforts of all state agencies and institutions towards achieving Egypt’s Vision 2030 and its goals. , especially improving the quality of life of the Egyptian citizen by achieving quality standards in health care, patient safety and security, providing high-quality medical services, and working to continuously improve those services.


It is worth noting that 16 hospitals affiliated with the Ministry of Health have obtained the initial accreditation for “GAHAR” quality. During the period from March 2023 until February 2024, they are the Ismailia Oncology Teaching Hospital affiliated with the General Authority for Hospitals and Educational Institutes, the Bahtim Hospitals for Specialized Surgeries in Qalyubia and the Nasr City Health Insurance Oncology Center in Cairo affiliated with the General Authority for Health Insurance, in addition to 13 hospitals affiliated with the Secretariat of Specialized Medical Centers, and they are Damanhour Oncology Center in Beheira, Sheikh Zayed Specialized Hospital in Giza, the Liver and Digestive Center in Heya in Sharkia, Dar Al-Shifa Hospitals, the National Bank for Integrated Care, Al-Zaytoun Specialized Hospital, and Dar Al-Salam Oncology  Hermel, Fatimiyah Cairo, and May 15th Specialist Hospital in Cairo Governorate, next to the hospitals of the Minya Oncology Center, Mallawi Specialist Hospital, Samalout Specialist Hospital, and Dermwas Specialist Hospital in Minya Governorate.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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