Middle East

A free training program to qualify young people for employment in the labor market

In an innovative step to support young people and enhance their professional capabilities, the Sawa Association for Development and Care of Special Groups launched a free training program for employment.


This program is available seven days a week except Sunday, From 10 am to 1 pm at the association’s headquarters in Imbaba.

One of the most prominent features of this training program is the granting of a certificate of completion of the program, providing a strong network of relationships for participants.

Providing guidance and support to assist the trainees in their professional path and spending An allowance and break for trainees.

As for the conditions for joining the qualified program, it is not less than a high school diploma or its equivalent, the age is from 18 to 35 years, and the provision of appropriate times for training.


  • For more: Elrisala website and for social networking, you can follow us on Facebook
  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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