Middle East

"Abu Dhabi Judiciary" A judicial session simulation experiment is implemented for law students in "Sorbonne Abu Dhabi"

ABU DHABI, 18 APRIL / WAM / The Abu Dhabi Judicial Department carried out a simulation of a judicial session for students of the College of Law at Sorbonne University – Abu Dhabi, as part of practical training for students enrolled in law study programs, with the aim of developing their skills and abilities by linking school curricula to practical application. It contributes to providing them with the necessary expertise to practice legal work in the future.

​Holding these training programs in Abu Dhabi Courts comes in support of efforts aimed at raising the quality levels of education and academic training, and developing in-depth knowledge for scholars and specialists in the legal fields, in line with the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President of the UAE, Deputy Prime Minister, President The Presidential Office, Head of the Abu Dhabi Judicial Department, to enhance the department’s community engagement with the relevant institutions, ensuring the sustainability of leadership in various sectors.

The experience of simulating a judicial session in the courtroom designated for training constitutes an applied model for courts, as the trainees perform various judicial and legal roles, including the roles of judges, members of the Public Prosecution, judges’ assistants, and defense lawyers in the case scheduled for consideration, while discussing all aspects of judicial and legal work.

This experience meets many requirements, the most important of which is the compatibility between theoretical study of law subjects in universities and the requirements of practical reality in courts and prosecution offices, in addition to being a practical application of the educational materials the student receives, which in turn reflects on consolidating the information and acquiring skills related to how to use it realistically in practice. Professional life.

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  • Source of information and images “poosh

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