Middle East

Complete judicial justice… achieves the goals of the new republic

The state, under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, has established the features of a new era based on justice in all its details… social, health, legal, legislative, and above all human justice. Achieving complete justice has always been President Sisi’s main concern, by accelerating the litigation time so that every citizen obtains his rights, on the basis that slow justice kills the right. So the president issued his instructions to work to reduce the litigation time and end the accumulated cases in the courts without this being at the expense of Justice itself.


Digital transformation is one of the most important challenges faced by the state in all its various sectors and agencies. Digitization has become the basis for the government’s directions in recent years, and the judicial system and its supporting agencies have moved towards activating The process of digital transformation in all bodies and entities affiliated with the judiciary, and in the work cycle of the judicial system that eliminated bureaucracy and corruption.


The comprehensive development process within the judiciary system and its supporting agencies also succeeded, and the Ministry of Justice introduced “Electronic Litigation” To the justice system within the framework of the Egyptian state’s vision aimed at digital transformation, where the citizen has the right to file a civil lawsuit remotely, and the courts are also considering the matter of renewing those detained in pretrial detention pending investigations and cases remotely, after closed circuit television was adopted in the courts and linked to Central prisons, in a way that would protect defendants from the consequences of transfer from prisons to courts, in addition to saving effort and transportation and insurance expenses in that process. A project to automate court minutes was also approved by converting speech into written text, which contributed to reducing errors. Spelling and speed of obtaining minutes of sessions.


The Ministry of Justice also supported the capabilities of human cadres and enhanced the technical competence of members of the judicial system by holding intensive training courses for members of various judicial authorities and bodies and holding Local and international workshops and seminars, in addition to holding a large annual ceremony to honor academically and artistically distinguished young judges from members of various judicial bodies and bodies. President Sisi also made October 2 the Egyptian Judiciary Day, and March 10 of each year the Day of Women Judges, to honor all judges for Their efforts.


«Empowering women», is one of the most important achievements of accomplished justice. It was not an easy matter for female judges to ascend to the podium, so for the first time a female judge has been appointed president of a court in a court. Helwan of First Instance. Women are also the presiding judge of the Cairo Economic Court, in addition to appointing 11 female judges to the regular judiciary platform. For the first time, a female assistant presiding judge of a court of first instance has been appointed in the New Cairo Court of First Instance. The Ministry of Justice is also working to develop the scientific and practical skills of female judges, to keep up with all… What is developed to achieve speedy completion of cases and overcome prevailing challenges, in order to achieve complete justice and apply the law to everyone without discrimination, in order to uphold the principle of the rule of law.


Developing the judicial infrastructure is also one thing. One of the most important achievements of completed justice, and in this context, the state established the City of Justice in the New Administrative Capital, which is considered a cultural shift in litigation, especially as it will include a central collection of courts, a studies center, and other various related service facilities, as well as facilitating administrative dealings between bodies.< /p>


The justice infrastructure projects also include the implementation of 185 projects, including 78 projects in Lower Egypt, 52 projects in the governorates of the central region, 12 projects in the Canal Cities and Sinai, and 43 projects in Upper Egypt, in addition to developing Infrastructure for 51 court headquarters, including 3 in the Canal and Sinai, 13 in Upper Egypt, 23 in Lower Egypt, and 13 in the governorates of the central region. The number of courts increased from 291 in 2014 to 320 in 2023.


The Ministry also created 69 new documentation branches affiliated with the Real Estate Registry, while the total number of projects to raise efficiency and the new documentation branches related to the Real Estate Registry reached 110 projects, including 46 projects in Lower Egypt, 21 projects in Lower Egypt, and 34 projects in the governorates of the central region. And 9 projects in the Canal and Sinai cities.


One of the most important performance indicators in completing cases is the completion of 100% of the adjudication of family lawsuits heard before registered courts of first instance in 2020 and before. And 99% of the rate of adjudication of civil lawsuits circulated before the courts of first instance and registered in 2019 and before, and 94% of the rate of adjudication of the total number of cases circulated before the courts of first instance and their parts during the period from November 2023 until December 12, 2023, and 96% of the rate of implementation of judgments issued in family lawsuits, as well as 84% of the rulings issued in civil lawsuits and 96% of the rulings in family lawsuits were implemented. 7,700 cases were conducted remotely in the courts of first instance and economics, in addition to the automation of administrative work in 26 courts and sheriff’s offices, and civil cases were archived and completed by 100% in 6 courts of first instance.


For its part, Counselor Hebat Allah Al-Jundi, Director of the Women’s Affairs, Human Rights and People of Determination Unit at the Administrative Prosecution, confirmed that the Administrative Prosecution Authority, from its inception until now, has been the leading judicial body in the field of appointing women, and even has the highest representation of women, with nearly half of its members, and it is the only judicial body that has A woman assumed its presidency, explaining that it is a source of pride and pride to witness a steady increase in the number of distinguished female advisors who have held a number of leadership positions in it, and who have been up to the responsibility and have proven their competence and competence in managing it.


< p>The soldier added: “It was not an easy matter for female judges to ascend to the bench, as the issue of their entry into the judiciary witnessed successive chapters of controversy and conflict, as some saw judicial work as unsuitable for a woman, but that changed on January 22, 2003, with the issuance of a presidential decree appointing the advisor.” The late Tahani Al-Gabaly, Vice-President of the Constitutional Court, was the first Egyptian judge to be appointed to the court, and in December 2020, Dr. Fatima Mohamed Ahmed Al-Razzaz, Dean of Law at Helwan, was appointed Vice-President of the Constitutional Court, as the second woman to hold this position.


The director of the Women’s Affairs Unit at the Administrative Prosecution indicated that women’s work in the regular judiciary began in the courts of appeal with exceptional payments in 2008, but with the mechanism of transfer from female members of the Administrative Prosecution and state cases, without being able to join the Public Prosecution as the first in the judicial corps. They worked in administrative judicial work without assuming the ruling bench, and from 2008 until 2015 the matter stopped and no female judge was appointed during that period until June 2015 a decision was issued to appoint 24 female judges, bringing the total number of female judges to 66, and with the passage of years the number increased.< /p>


Counsel Fatima Ahmed Qandil, who was appointed to the first batch of female judges in 2015, is the first female judge to take the bench in criminal cases on May 19, 2019 as a northern member of the Criminal Court panel. Cairo, which is looking into the case of stock market manipulation, and Counselor Dalia Mahmoud’s plea as representative of the Public Prosecution during February 2023 in the case of the killing of the Kerdasa lawyer before the Criminal Court is an important step that came in implementation of the directives of the President of the Republic in June 2021 to allow women members to enter the State Council and the Public Prosecution, after it had been Enrollment in them is limited to males only.


While a high-ranking judicial source confirmed that the Egyptian state is working to build a digital Egypt and reach an Egyptian society that deals digitally in all aspects of life, indicating This strategic approach ensures improving the quality of the Egyptian citizen’s daily life and raises performance rates to the top. As for the state, enabling e-government enhances the values ​​of integrity, transparency, accountability, and monitoring of all actions within the national institutions of the Egyptian state after limiting the discretionary authority of the human element within the state institutions.


The source pointed out that government directions focus on providing the necessary allocations to develop the judicial system and achieve timely justice, to speed up litigation procedures with the aim of retaliating against criminals in society, and to enable every right holder to access his rights easily and in a timely manner. At the same time, it is a completely fair trial for the accused or litigants, in which all known conditions and guarantees of litigation are met. Hence the famous saying, “slow justice” is a form of denial of justice.


He explained that complete justice begins By bringing the litigation authorities closer together, digitizing the judicial system, and completing what was started in recent years by rehabilitating and modernizing court headquarters and justice houses, and rehabilitating the human element associated with this system, to eliminate manipulation and tampering with the interests of litigants, and to confirm the instilling of public confidence in the Egyptian justice system.

He stressed Major General Dr. Tariq Khadr, Professor of Constitutional Law at the Police Academy, former Governor of Damietta, said that the state has come a long way in establishing timely justice in implementation of the directives of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, to adjudicate cases before the courts during the year in which they are filed, and to promote the use of the latest electronic and technological means and techniques. In the work system of courts and litigation procedures, in a way that achieves speedy completion and governance of procedures, for the purpose of providing distinguished and advanced services to citizens.


Khader added that this comes in line with the policy of the Ministry of Justice and in fulfillment of its commitment. By completing the strategic plan developed by Counselor Omar Marwan, in order to completely eliminate the slow pace of litigation, and to complete the cases accumulated for decades within three years with exceptional efforts made by the Minister of Justice, in parallel with the efforts of the judges and their genuine desire to perform their lofty mission in the best possible way, which It resulted in a historic achievement, the achievement of the impossible, and a significant improvement in the pace of completion of lawsuits before various courts, as the justice system sought, at its utmost goals, to facilitate the access of that complete justice to the citizen, who occupies the first priority, through the Ministry of Justice, which carries out this societal mission with efficiency, honor, pride, and ability. Through an integrated and harmonious work system.

Quoted from Rosaly Youssef newspaper

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