Middle East

Human Rights MPs criticize Washington’s use of its veto and preventing Palestine from obtaining full membership in the United Nations

Representative Tariq Radwan, Chairman of the Human Rights Committee in the House of Representatives, sharply criticized the United States of America for using its veto against granting Palestine full membership in the United Nations, stressing that this step reveals to everyone Washington’s blind bias and support for the crimes of the Israeli occupation government against the Palestinian people.&nbsp ;


"Radwan" said, In a statement he issued today: The United States of America should have supported the Palestinians in obtaining full membership for Palestine in the United Nations, stressing that this Palestinian right is guaranteed by the United Nations Charter, and that the most basic human right anywhere in the world is the existence of an independent state. He lives on its land in security, peace and stability.

MP Tariq Radwan stressed that despite the occupation army committing crimes, human massacres and a war of genocide against the Palestinians, we find America continuing its support for the Israeli occupation government and standing as an obstacle to granting Palestine full membership within the United Nations, which is Which confirms the series of duplication in international issues. 

MP Tariq Radwan pointed out that the blind bias of the United States of America towards Israel weakens its influence in the region and the solution to the Middle East problem, especially the Palestinian issue, will not come from outside the region and that everyone must listen.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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