Middle East

The Minister of Irrigation is following up on the research study to line canals with environmentally friendly materials in 3 governorates

Dr. Hani Sweilem, Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation, holds a meeting to follow up on the position of the research study conducted by the National Water Research Center regarding “lining canals using environmentally friendly materials.”


During the meeting, the most prominent technologies actually implemented in other countries were presented, and the preliminary results of the research study were presented, which include field and laboratory studies and on-the-ground inspections of “3” sites. Canals in the governorates of Kafr El-Sheikh, Fayoum, and Sharqia in preparation for carrying out lining work on them using various environmentally friendly materials, such as mixing cement, lime, or both in small proportions with the soil, and reusing this mixture to line the water sector of the canal.

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The research study aims to implement canal lining work using environmentally friendly materials, while setting guidelines for how to choose the best techniques and appropriate natural materials for lining based on the nature of the soil through which the canal passes.


Swailem stated that scientific research and innovation are the basis for the second generation of irrigation system 2.0, noting the importance of cooperation and support of the private sector to implement experimental models of new lining technologies.


Swailem directed By following up on the implementation of lining works in the three canals using environmentally friendly materials, while preparing a comparison with lining by traditional methods in terms of financial cost and time period for implementation, while conducting all necessary laboratory tests and mathematical models on the executed works to ensure obtaining the best results, provided that a training program is organized for engineers. And the Ministry’s technicians after evaluating the experiment.


He also directed the necessity of designing the water sector for the canals where the experiment is scheduled to be conducted, based on actual measurements of the current agricultural crops and calculating all the water needs resulting from the canals that will be used. In the mathematical model prepared in this regard. 

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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