Health and Wellness

Sanofi announces the construction of a new factory in France, in Val-de-Marne

The French pharmaceutical group Sanofi announced, Monday May 13, an investment of more than a billion euros in the production of medicines in France, with the construction of a new factory on its site in Vitry-sur-Seine (Val -de-Marne).

This new establishment “will double the production capacity of monoclonal antibodies on the site”specifies the group in a press release published on the day of the seventh Choose France summit, where several other foreign laboratories announced a total of more than a billion euros in new investments in France.

The Minister Delegate in charge of Health and Prevention Frédéric Valletoux, “welcomes this announcement as well as the investments revealed by Pfizer and AstraZeneca”, in a reaction sent to AFP. The American Pfizer and the British AstraZeneca announced on Sunday that they were committing to investing several hundred million additional euros in health in France.

The group specifies that “several biomedicines in development among Sanofi’s 12 potential blockbusters currently undergoing clinical studies could thus be produced in Vitry”, site which has switched over the last decade from chemical drugs to biological treatments.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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