
Civil service: the abolition of categories A, B and C is "on the table"according to Minister Stanislas Guerini

Change to come. The government plans to eliminate categories A, B and C from the civil service, as part of the reform of the sector that it must present in the fall, Minister Stanislas Guerini said on Tuesday, May 14.

“It’s a subject that I put on the table”affirmed the Minister of Transformation and Public Service on the Public Senate channel. “Today, categories often lock up public officials, they create glass ceilings that are very difficult to break”he assured. “I am in favor of introducing more (…) tools that make it possible to better promote training, better promote acquired experience in order to be able to evolve more quickly and easily”insisted Stanislas Guerini.

A structuring element in the careers of 5.7 million public officials, the category system classifies civil servants according to their level of diploma. Category C, the lowest paid, is accessible without a diploma, with a CAP, a BEP or a college certificate. Category B is accessible with a baccalaureate, and category A with a Bac+2 or Bac+3 level. But many agents today are too qualified for the category in which they work.

Among other proposals, Stanislas Guerini addressed his desire to facilitate layoffs in the public service, a proposal which arouses the ire of the unions. Another controversial proposal, the increase in merit-based remuneration must be done according to criteria “defined as close as possible to the field” and not by the ministry.

In a press release published in the afternoon, seven of the eight public service unions insisted that they would not accept “no questioning of the statutory guarantees which allow the recognition of qualifications and the right to a career: categories, grade, step”. “This legislative project, as far as we know, does not meet the needs of the Civil Service, its personnel, and takes directions which, on the contrary, lead to regression”attack the CGT, the CFDT, the Unsa, the FSU, Solidaires, the CFE-CGC and the FA-FP.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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