Middle East

The foreign ministers of Egypt, Jordan and Iraq meet within the framework of the tripartite cooperation mechanism in Bahrain

   Ambassador Ahmed Abu Zeid, the official spokesman and Director of the Public Diplomacy Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sameh Shukri, and his Jordanian and Iraqi counterparts, Ayman Al-Safadi and Dr. Fouad Hussein, held a meeting today, Tuesday, on the sidelines of the activities of the Council of Arab Foreign Ministers meeting in the Bahraini capital, Manama, for consultation within the framework of a mechanism. The tripartite cooperation between them.


The meeting witnessed Minister Shukri reaffirming the firm Egyptian position in supporting the stability of Iraq and Jordan against any attempts to undermine them, and that the security of the two countries is an integral part of security. The Egyptian and Arab nationalist.


The Foreign Ministry spokesman added that Minister Shukri stressed the importance of implementing the directives of the leaders of the three countries to intensify work and cooperation within the framework of the tripartite mechanism as a model for joint Arab action, stressing that Egypt views tripartite cooperation from a comprehensive perspective that aims to link the interests of the three countries together and maximize common benefits within the framework of their historical relations, brotherhood, unity of destiny, and common goals.


The meeting discussed Also to stress the importance of the joint projects that have been agreed upon entering into force as soon as possible, so that the achievements of economic relations keep pace with the political successes achieved in recent years.


The ambassador concluded. Abu Zeid, in his statements, said that the Foreign Minister discussed the latest developments related to Egypt’s strenuous efforts and pivotal role in working to reach an immediate, comprehensive and sustainable ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, while emphasizing the firm Egyptian position calling for the immediate implementation of humanitarian aid to the Strip, as well as warning against The consequences of the escalation carried out by the Israeli side and its extremely negative repercussions on the security and stability of the entire region.  

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