Middle East

Request a briefing from Representative Mohamed Zain Al-Din regarding the continued rise in commodity prices

Representative Muhammad Abdullah Zein al-Din, member of the House of Representatives, Secretary of the Mostaqbal Watan Party in Beheira Governorate, submitted a briefing request to Counselor Dr. Hanafi Jabali, Speaker of the Council, addressed to the Ministers of Supply and Internal Trade, and Agriculture and Land Reclamation, regarding the continued rise in the prices of meat and poultry. , eggs, and a number of other commodities, despite the government’s announcement of a reduction in prices of up to 30%.

The representative pointed out that the government recently announced a decrease in commodity prices of up to 30%, coinciding with The availability of hard currency and the customs release of many goods that were piled up in the ports.

He explained that despite these government statements, the prices of poultry, for example, only decreased by 10% from the prices that the price had reached. A kilo is about 105 pounds, with the price of a kilo now reaching about 95 pounds.

He continued: Likewise, the price of a plate of table bass has only decreased by an amount that does not exceed 10% of the prices it had reached.

Mohamed Zein Al-Din confirmed that most food commodities, including fish, did not witness the decline announced by the government, despite the stability of the foreign currency exchange rate, but rather its gradual decline, in addition to the government’s keenness to release the fodder needed for wealth farms. Animals, poultry, and fish.

The member of the House of Representatives stressed the need to activate the role of all regulatory agencies in confronting the greed of some merchants, and tightening control over the markets.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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