Middle East

Urgent.. Presidential Spokesman: President Sisi is keen to present Egypt’s vision for resolving the crisis in Gaza during the Arab Summit

The spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, Counselor Dr. Ahmed Fahmy, confirmed that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is keen during the Arab summit to present Egypt’s vision for the current crisis in the Gaza Strip and how to solve it through the two-state solution and the establishment of a Palestinian state.

The spokesman explained, In statements to journalists in Manama on the sidelines of the Arab Summit, there is also an emphasis from Egypt that this crisis is not isolated from the international community, and it is assumed that there is an international system that must be characterized by justice and equality and through which the legitimate rights of peoples and their right to self-determination are preserved.

He added that Egypt will be keen to urge the international community to do so, which will also be reflected in the outcomes that will be issued by the Arab leaders tomorrow, Thursday.

Counsel Dr. Ahmed Fahmy confirmed that the summit The Arab League, which will be held tomorrow, Thursday in Manama, comes at a very precise time and stage for the Arab region and the region.

The spokesman indicated that the war in Gaza is entering its eighth month and there is a new escalation that occurred with the start of Israeli military operations in Rafah.< /p>

He stressed that the Egyptian position has been consistent since the beginning of the crisis until now, and by following the line of Egyptian positions during the crisis, whether with regard to the political track, which is that the solution to the Palestinian issue is a political solution that must be based on the implementation of what was agreed upon as a two-state solution. And not through military and security solutions that will not work.

With regard to the humanitarian track, the spokesman stressed that Egypt has assumed its responsibility from the first day and has undertaken a very vital and important role, which is receiving humanitarian aid from all countries of the world at Al-Arish Airport, where it was carried out. Coordinating and assembling it with the addition of Egyptian aid, which represents the majority of the aid provided by civil society organizations, society, the Egyptian people and the Egyptian government, then organizing all of this and enduring countless hardships, obstacles and obstacles to be brought into Gaza to relieve the afflicted people of the Strip who were subjected to killing, destruction, displacement, starvation and siege.

He added that the Egyptian position was clear and actions preceded words and words. He pointed out that the situation has not been resolved as there is a continuation of military operations at a very critical stage for the Arab region, stressing that Egypt has made a tremendous effort in cooperation and coordination with sisterly Qatar and the United States of America to try to reach a ceasefire and truce, exchange prisoners, hostages and detainees, and bring in aid in quantities. Adequate.

Counselor Ahmed Fahmy said that these Egyptian efforts were diligent and intense to the utmost degree, pointing out that Egypt still hopes for the voice of reason and wisdom to prevail in this crisis to reach a satisfactory solution.

He pointed out that the Arab summit today comes within the framework of unifying Arab positions and aligning one Arab with one voice, so that this will certainly be reflected in the summit’s decisions.

The spokesman stressed that this stage is very delicate and very critical due to the continuation of the devastating Israeli war in the Gaza Strip against the people of the Gaza Strip. The Palestinian people, and also because of the challenges faced by the Arab brothers who are suffering from very great circumstances, challenges and crises… indicating that all of this places hopes that the Arab voice will be united and the Arab will must be mobilized to send a clear message to the international community about the necessity of assuming an effective and serious responsibility to push in the direction of finding… Solutions and settlements, especially for the major crisis in the Gaza Strip, which portends risks and threats to security and stability at the regional level.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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