
" Communications regulation" Launches the unified design system for federal websites

Abu Dhabi, May 16 / WAM / The Communications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, “TADRA”, with the support of the Supreme Committee for Government Digital Transformation, and on the sidelines of its participation in the Digital Readiness Retreat 2024, launched the unified design system for websites in the federal government with the aim of facilitating customers’ access to information and services through Harmonious designs, easy to use, suit the nature of customers, and are consistent with the latest developments in this field.

The Authority organized a workshop with the participation of government agencies to explain the principles of the new system, its foundations and implementation mechanisms. The workshop included a comprehensive overview of the basic elements of visual design and the rules required to improve ease of use and user experience (UX) on the websites of federal government agencies.

The workshop targeted two categories: the first includes directors of corporate communication and information technology departments in federal agencies who supervise digital identity, design, and digital assets, and the second includes information technology project managers in federal agencies who work on developing websites, digital applications, and the related front-end.

Her Excellency Ohoud bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Government Development and the Future, Chairman of the Supreme Committee for Government Digital Transformation, said that this system is consistent with the objectives of the “We are the Emirates 2031” vision and its fourth axis, which stipulates the establishment of the most pioneering and superior system, by adopting the concepts of dynamism, flexibility, and anticipating the future.” .

Her Excellency added that the system represents a summary of the best international experiences in the fields of design and building the information structure of websites, and also takes into account local peculiarities in the country, stressing that the system is the inauguration of a new phase of the digital presence of the federal government, which improves the experience of customers and increases their happiness on the one hand, and enhances On the other hand, the country leads the world in relevant indicators.

For his part, His Excellency Engineer Majid Sultan Al-Mesmar, Director General of the Communications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority, said that unifying efforts and coordinating steps between government agencies is one of the important factors behind the success of digital transformation in the UAE, and in this context comes the unified design system for government websites, which is based on the principle of customer centricity. The designs of government websites simplify and facilitate the process of browsing those websites in search of the information and services that customers need.

Al-Mismar added that the development of this system benefited from the latest global experiences, in addition to the opinions of customers and visitors to government websites obtained in the context of digital participation.

For his part, His Excellency Engineer Mohammed Ibrahim Al Zarouni, Deputy Director General of the Authority for the Information and Digital Government Sector, said that the unified design system is based on two basic pillars: simplicity and creativity, as it takes into account the principles of ease of use and direct access to the required information and services, and the principle of adaptation and flexibility.

Once it was launched, the unified design system for federal websites became available for use, and several government agencies adopted its components and concepts, including the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, the General Authority for Islamic Affairs and Endowments, the Ministry of Health and Community Protection, the Emirates Health Services Corporation, the Ministry of Education, and the Zakat Fund. The Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority and the Federal Authority for Government Human Resources. Other entities can also use the system, such as semi-governmental companies and other government departments at the state level. The system is available to anyone seeking to adhere to best practices in the field of website development.

Implementing the new system across government agencies would contribute to enhancing government efficiency by providing certain components that can be used and reused in developing government websites, which reduces the time used in those processes, and thus achieves financial savings in terms of reducing the cost of designs, as well as reducing costs. Customers’ time, which contributes to the principle of zeroing out government bureaucracy. The system also contributes to enhancing transparency and community participation through digital channels, as the well-designed user interface encourages customers to participate more in improving government services.

One of the advantages of the system is that it guarantees a single visual identity based on the unified federal mark, which leads to enhancing confidence among customers. While the system is characterized by being adaptable to changes in design trends and new technologies, which reduces the risks of obsolescence and reduces the need to rebuild websites from scratch, in addition to In keeping with distinct global experiences and local needs, the system complies with the guidelines of the World Wide Web Organization, especially the digital accessibility standards represented by “AAWCAG 2.2”.

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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