
In the Netherlands, the new coalition will continue to support Ukraine

In the Netherlands, a few months after the parliamentary elections, which were won by the right-wing populist Freedom Party led by Geert Wilders, an agreement was reached on the formation of a new coalition government. A coalition agreement between four right-wing and center-right parties was published on Thursday. In addition to the Freedom Party, the cabinet is expected to be formed by current Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s Forum for Freedom and Democracy party, the recently created center-right New Social Contract party, as well as the conservative farmers’ movement.

Text of the agreement publishes Dutch broadcaster NOS. It focuses on the internal problems of the Netherlands. The parties in the future coalition say they will seriously tighten migration policies to “stop the excessive influx of asylum seekers and immigrants.” Asylum seekers who are rejected are “deported to the extent possible, including forcibly.” The rules for obtaining a residence permit will also become stricter.

It was the tightening of policies in the field of migration that was one of the main points of the Freedom Party’s program. The parties also promise tax reform and protection of the interests of farmers. This will include adjustments to climate change policies.

“The Netherlands will continue to support Ukraine politically, militarily, financially and morally against Russian aggression,” the document says. It also says that a bill will be adopted on the mandatory allocation of at least 2% of GDP to defense needs, as NATO calls for. The document also contains mention of the possibility of moving the Dutch embassy in Israel to Jerusalem – such a move is regarded as an expression of support for Israel. Most countries in the world maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv.

Commentators note that Geert Wilders, who previously criticized the high level of Dutch support for Ukraine, has somewhat adjusted his position after the Russian invasion of 2022. He still does not support arms supplies to Ukraine, but other parties in the future coalition are in favor of it. The policy of the future cabinet will obviously be the result of a compromise.

The agreement between the parties became known on Wednesday. The success of the negotiations was facilitated by the fact that Wilders, who is widely considered a radical in the Netherlands due to his harsh anti-immigrant statements, refused the post of prime minister. It has not yet been announced who will become the new prime minister and how the seats in the government will be distributed.

The Freedom Party won a landslide election victory in November, but it and its right-wing allies do not have enough votes in parliament to form a government. Therefore, Wilders’ supporters began negotiations with center-right pro-European political forces. The left and center-left will obviously remain in opposition.

The current government of the Netherlands, led by Mark Rutte, is pursuing a consistent policy in support of Ukraine, including arms supplies. The Netherlands is one of the countries that promised to supply F-16 fighters to Kyiv.

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  • Source of information and images “svoboda

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