Middle East

The Minister of Endowments from Sayyida Zeinab Mosque: Our imams are responsible for building a rational religious discourse

 The Minister of Endowments, Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Gomaa, confirmed that the imams accredited in the ministry are up to the responsibility in building a rational religious discourse, congratulating the lovers of the Prophet’s family and the entire Egyptian people on the opening of the Sayyida Zainab Mosque, “may God be pleased with her.” In Cairo after completing its development, he thanked the Egyptian National Media and Broadcasting Authority for their keenness to broadcast the first Friday prayer after the opening of this mosque.


The Minister of Endowments said – after performing Friday prayers today at Al-Sayyeda Mosque. Zainab in Cairo – The architecture of a mosque is like a building whose construction requires meaning, and just as we open dozens of mosques from one week to the next, we introduce dozens of young people who are capable of delivering a moderate and enlightened intellectual discourse.


The Minister of Endowments confirmed that Egyptian Radio, in coordination with the Ministry of Endowments, approved 12 reciters to join the senior reciters on Egyptian radio and television. To commemorate Friday and Fajr prayers inside and outside Egypt with their great recitation, as an extension of the great Egyptian state of recitation.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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