Women's Corner

Nolwenn Leroy confides in her son Marin, “the love of her life”: “It’s very difficult to…”

The popular Nolwenn Leroy became Marin’s mother six years ago and since then, everything has changed. The 41-year-old singer opened up about her “extraordinary” relationship with her son and the sacrifices she made for him…

For six years, Nolwenn Leroy has known what true love is. If she has been happily married to the famous tennis player Arnaud Clément since 2008, it is thanks to her little boy, Marin, born in 2017, that she is fulfilled. The singer recently spoke candidly to the Belgian media Telepro on her role as a mother…

Nolwenn Leroy, gaga mother of Marin: “The love of my life”

It’s the love of my life ! He’s my little boy.”she first said, enthusiastically, about her little Marin. “I speak for myself and I’m not saying that when you don’t have children, you haven’t experienced true love, but it’s true that when you have your first child, it’s indescribable . He is part of me and I am part of him. It’s very difficult to put into words this mother-son relationship.“, added the 41-year-old artist.

Being a mother is the most important role in the life of the winner of the second edition of the star Academywho takes care not to show her son’s face on social networks although she allows herself to post photos in which we cannot distinguish his features: “It has changed my life on many levels, practical and everyday, but beyond that, it makes us see life differently, consider the future differently, also approach my job differently, think differently“. And added: “The discussions I can have with him make me grow a lot. She’s my favorite person“.

Nolwenn Leroy: her family life far from Paris… “My heart is there”

For his son, the interpreter of Follow a star made many sacrifices. After releasing his eighth album in 2021, The mare, Nolwenn Leroy, for example, decided not to tour to stay alongside her son. “He was just starting school and I didn’t want to leave him then. At the time, I preferred to slow down to better come back today“, she explained to 7 Days TV.

If the actress singer – headliner of the series Brocéliande on TF1 – continues to pursue her career with passion, she also leads a quiet family life, far from the tumult of Paris. With his partner, Arnaud Clément, and their son, they live near Aix-en-Provence, where the tennis player was born, and which became the adopted region of the famous Breton, who had declared to Provencein 2013 : “My heart is there. Provence has always fascinated me through Pagnol’s novels, I walk there a lot, it’s easy to feel good there“.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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