Women's Corner

this valuable advice she gave to Anne-Claire Coudray

Claire Chazal was the guest of “C l’Hebdo” and she received a moving tribute from the woman who took her place on TF1 news, Anne-Claire Coudray.

Luxury tray for Aurélie Casse in C l’Hebdo on May 25. And for good reason, the journalist received two essential figures from the news: Claire Chazal and David Pujadas. Two big names in news in France came to talk about their respective careers and experiences.

Anne-Claire Coudray’s tribute to Claire Chazal

The opportunity for the former star of TF1 news – who currently plays a small role in the series Fiasco on Netflix -, Claire Chazal, to be surprised by the one who succeeded her: Anne Claire Coudray. The one who definitely took her place in 2015, after having been her joker for a long time, had in fact reserved a nice surprise for the one she describes as “source of inspiration”. “I wanted to say hello to you from this set, which will always be yours, you know that”, began his now famous replacement. Before continuing, not without emotion: “I remember very well what you told me when I started to replace you: ‘Stay yourself’. And that’s sometimes very difficult in an environment like that but it’s is probably the best advice anyone has ever given me so thank you for that.”.

Very grateful and admiring of the work and journey of her eldest, now 67 years old, Anne-Claire Coudray concluded her speech in style. “My greatest pleasure today is when people call me Claire Chazal in the street. And imagine that this happens to me very often. In these cases, I tell myself that I am on the right way”she admitted.

Claire Chazal and Anne-Claire Coudray rivals? Claire Chazal retorts!

“Me? I’m often called Anne Sinclair, it’s completely normal”Claire Chazal then retorted with humor. “It’s very beautiful, I think we have a mutual respect, a mutual friendship…”she continued, referring to the 47-year-old journalist, in a relationship with businessman Nicolas Vix with whom she had a little girl, Amalya, in July 2015.

Asked about the rivalry that many Internet users and other commentators had attributed to them, Claire Chazal was very clear. “It was completely natural that she took my place. What could I blame her for? Nothing”, she assumed firmly. Before concluding with a smile on your face: “We agree on how to present the newspapers (…) She works with the same people with whom I worked. There is a heritage. It’s very touching what she says. I think that what she done is good, it also seems to me to correspond to what I was trying to do so there is a continuity”.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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