
Spain and Norway officially recognize the Palestinian state

 On Tuesday, Spain and Norway announced the entry into force of their official recognition of the Palestinian state.  Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albarez said that his country officially approved its recognition of the Palestinian state during a meeting of government members.

For his part, Norwegian Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide confirmed – in a statement – that today represents a milestone in the relationship between Norway and Palestine, Oslo officially recognizes the Palestinian state. Eddy expressed his confidence that the Palestinian government will continue the difficult task of reform and will lay the foundations for governing the West Bank and Gaza Strip after the ceasefire, according to CNN. The Norwegian Foreign Minister added, “It is unfortunate that the Israeli government does not show any signs of engaging constructively. The international community must increase its political and economic support for Palestine and continue working towards a two-state solution.” On May 22, Spain, Norway and Ireland announced their intention to officially recognize the Palestinian state at the end of the month.

On the other hand, Irish Foreign Minister Michael Martin said that the foreign ministers of European Union countries are considering imposing sanctions on Israel if it does not comply. To the decisions of the International Court of Justice regarding Gaza.

Martin added – in a statement – that there is a very clear consensus on the necessity of respecting international legal and humanitarian institutions such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court… stressing the need for Israel to adhere to the orders related to opening The Rafah border crossing from the Palestinian side and to stop its military operations in the Palestinian city of Rafah.

The International Court of Justice had called on Tel Aviv to immediately stop its military attacks in the Palestinian city of Rafah, in addition to taking all measures to ensure unhindered access of humanitarian aid to Gaza Strip, and allow UN officials, humanitarian organizations, journalists and investigators to enter the Strip without hindrance

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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