
The Muslim World League condemns the Israeli occupation’s continued commission of genocidal massacres against the Palestinians

The Muslim World League condemned, in the strongest terms, the Israeli occupation forces’ continued massacres against the Palestinian people, and their continued targeting of the tents of defenseless Palestinian refugees in Rafah. The Secretary-General of the Association, Chairman of the Association of Muslim Scholars, Sheikh Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa, denounced – according to what was reported by the Saudi News Agency “SPA” Today, Wednesday – with these continuing Israeli violations of all international and humanitarian resolutions, laws and norms, which are taking place in full view of the entire world, this unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe that the Palestinian people are going through is getting worse and has become a disgrace to humanity. He called "Alissa" To urgent intervention to stop these horrific massacres, and stop this unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe that the Palestinian people are going through.

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