science and technology

Compulsive TikTok Use Reshapes the Brain, New Study Reveals

Cairo: Hani Kamal El-Din  

A recent study conducted by Chinese scientists from Tianjin Normal University has uncovered alarming effects of compulsive short video consumption on brain structure and function. Published in the journal NeuroImage, the research focused on analyzing neural changes in young adults who spend excessive time on platforms like TikTok. The findings revealed significant alterations in brain regions responsible for reward processing and emotional regulation, highlighting the risks of digital addiction, particularly among teenagers and young adults.

Compulsive Short Video Consumption: A Threat to Brain Health

The study involved 111 students aged 17 to 30, all active users of short video platforms such as TikTok. Participants were screened to ensure they had no neurological or psychiatric disorders before undergoing MRI scans of their brains.

The results showed structural and functional changes in the brains of individuals addicted to short videos. Specifically, there was an increase in gray matter volume in the orbitofrontal cortex and cerebellum, areas associated with reward processing and emotional regulation. Additionally, heightened activity was observed in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, temporal pole, and cerebellum, indicating impaired cognitive control and increased self-referential thinking.

The Role of Envy in Digital Addiction

The study also highlighted envy as a key psychological factor driving short video addiction. Participants with higher levels of envy were more likely to engage in compulsive video consumption. This finding underscores the psychological dimension of digital addiction, which goes beyond mere entertainment-seeking to deeper emotions like social comparison and competition.

Heightened Risks for Adolescent Brains

The research emphasized that adolescent brains are particularly vulnerable to digital addiction due to their high plasticity during this developmental stage. Excessive exposure to short videos could lead to long-term changes in brain structure, potentially impairing cognitive abilities and emotional control in the future.

Comparison with Previous Studies

This study is not the first to warn about the impact of technology on the brain. Earlier, Italian researchers conducted a large-scale study revealing that the benefits of healthy foods diminish under chronic stress. These findings reinforce the importance of understanding the complex interplay between external environments and human health, both physically and mentally.

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