Middle East

Healthcare Roadmap 2024 in Pharmacy and Drug Management

– Pharmacy automation, digital integration, drug suitability review, green pharmacy, and drug information centers are the most prominent topics


 Genetic analysis technology is the promising future for personalized diagnosis and treatment during 2024


The application of whole genome sequencing in the diagnosis of genetic and rare diseases is a qualitative breakthrough in healthcare


Creating a guide for the proper use of genetic tests and developing Criteria for practical application




The Public Authority for Health Care announced the authority’s road map during 2024, while It concerns the pharmacy and drug management axis, which is based on several main axes that ensure improving clinical pharmacy practices and promoting the rational use of medications, which enhances the comprehensive quality of health care services for beneficiaries during 2024. 


< p>The Health Care Authority indicated that the axes were based on two parts. The first part ensures that the service reaches the highest international quality standards to beneficiaries of comprehensive health insurance, while the second part supports the continuous development of pharmacists’ skills and promotes innovative pharmaceutical practices.

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The authority explained that the authority’s map for the pharmacy and drug management axis includes mechanizing pharmacies, achieving digital integration and automation, reviewing the extent of drug suitability, and activating the concept of green pharmacy, in all of the authority’s facilities in the governorates of implementing the comprehensive health insurance system, and expanding the scope of information centers. Medicine, which contributes to the preparation of the Pharmacopoeia, as well as implementing regular training programs to develop the skills of pharmacists, regarding evidence-based practices and emerging treatments, and everything new in clinical pharmacy, and encouraging research, innovation and required scrutiny, as well as launching an incentive and incentive package to celebrate distinguished pharmacists in Applying clinical pharmacy and contributing to the rational use of medicines, in addition to enhancing multidisciplinary cooperation between pharmacists, doctors and other health care professionals to enhance communication and simplify patient care.


For his part, Dr. Ahmed Al-Sabki, Chairman of the Health Care Authority, General Supervisor of the Comprehensive Health Insurance and Decent Life projects at the Ministry of Health and Population, said that so far we have 3 main drug information centers in the Comprehensive Health Insurance governorates that will explain the therapeutic indications for each drug, develop treatment plans with doctors, and source the work of an appropriate unit. And drug evaluation (MUE), and the three central drug information centers include the drug center at Al-Nasr Specialized Hospital in Port Said, the Ismailia Medical Complex, and Karnak International Hospital.


Noting that the year 2024 will witness a recent development in the pharmacy axis. At the Health Care Authority, by combining modern technology with personal health care, enhancing mechanization mechanisms and exploiting artificial intelligence systems and graphical analysis of the drug, as well as automating pharmacies in internal departments or outpatient clinics in hospitals or chronic medicine in family medicine units and centers, which ensures the accuracy of preparing drug prescriptions in a proper manner. It is effective, facilitates pharmaceutical operations to ensure the provision of effective and safe services, supports accurate tracking of drug movements, reduces the chances of medication errors, enhances patient safety and ensures improved patient experience.


The Chairman of the Authority noted, To the importance of providing all technological means to ensure the optimal application of the latest global developments and the latest therapeutic protocols in the field of medicine, which contributes to drug management and enhancing clinical research in this field, as modern technology contributes to improving communication and interaction between patients and health care providers, which enables Patients are encouraged to use applications and electronic platforms to communicate with the medical team to receive advice and support.


The Chairman of the Authority pointed out the authority’s plan during the coming period  It will also focus on personalized treatment based on the patient’s genetic sequence, which includes several axes, including monitoring the latest developments regarding and disseminating guidelines and policy frameworks for implementing genetic testing, and then working to establish key governance frameworks, adopt policies and guidelines, and create a regulatory framework to assist in Implementation, and launching specialized educational and training programs, to raise the level of awareness and understanding of genetic tests and their applications in diagnosis and treatment, creating a guide for the proper use of genetic tests and setting standards for practical application, and finally achieving financial and operational sustainability by establishing a network of experts at the Authority to facilitate the process of conducting and applying genetic tests and documenting the outcomes. Personalized treatment.


Dr. Sherif Kamal, Advisor to the President of the Healthcare Authority for Pharmaceutical Affairs and Drug Affairs Administration, stressed that identifying patients’ genes enhances the concept known as “personalized medicine.” Or “precision medicine”, where treatment is customized based on the individual genetic characteristics of each patient. This enhances the effectiveness of treatment, reduces its side effects, and contributes to improving treatment results and the patient’s experience in general, while providing technology to identify patients’ genes contributes to improving personalized health care. For every individual.


He continued: We always strive for research, development and innovation, and to encourage and support pharmacists in conducting research projects related to clinical pharmacy, drug results, and innovative pharmaceutical practices. It is planned to create a platform to share research results within The Public Authority for Healthcare, and its scope later expands to contribute to the broader healthcare community.




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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef”

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