Women's Corner

Renaud in difficulty on stage: “pathetic… he knew how to manage his cachet”, Isabelle Mergault mercilessly

A new heartbreaking video of Renaud, in great vocal difficulty on stage, is shaking up Twitter. The actress and director Isabelle Mergault did not hesitate to give her strong opinion on the singer…

After many years of fighting against his addiction to alcohol (and not counting cigarettes), Renaud claims to be better today. Moreover, he chants it in music: “Still alive, still standing”. But it is clear that the 71-year-old singer, who continues to travel all the roads of France with his latest show, is making numerous appearances which more than cast doubt on his general condition. He shows himself incapable of singing correctly and his hits become texts with holes filled in by the public….

A new video by the artist, filmed exactly two months ago in Agen, is once again shaking up Twitter. And Isabelle Mergault put her two cents into the matter.

Isabelle Mergault judge Renaud “pathetic” : this video that says a lot

Known for not having her tongue in her pocket (and that’s an understatement to say), Isabelle Mergault did not fail to make her thoughts known to her X subscribers (formerly Twitter). Indeed, after the publication of a video showing Renaud looking haggard and with immense vocal difficulties on stage last February, the actress is currently on stage with the play The bracelet – alongside Jean-Luc Reichmann in particular – could not help but give his opinion on his failed performance. And the least we can say is that it is very clear-cut.

“Isn’t that a little pathetic?”she actually first wrote by reposting the video on her Morgana from you And Winner Mistral she persisted and signed. “It pains me immensely”, for example commented one of Renaud’s aficionados. To which Isabelle Mergault responded immediately: “Ah well not me”. Before closing the debate: “Oooh poor guy… Don’t worry, he knew how to manage his fee. It’s not volunteering!!”

Would Renaud, who now lives with his young partner Cerise near Nantes, have money problems? Would this tour be to replenish the coffers?

Isabelle Mergault leaves Renaud fans no chance

A clear position, and we expected no less from him, which did not please the entire Web. In fact, many Internet users immediately criticized the member for Big heads now aged 65, her lack of empathy.

To which the main person concerned did not fail to respond: “Stop talking about it, it’s “sad” when talking about Renaud. What’s sad is the end of the month which arrives on the 10th, the bombs on innocent people, retirees on 400€ etc. There, we are not not sad. Here we are in pathos.. That has the merit of being clear !

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  • Source of information and images “brisbanetimes”

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