The Grand Mufti of the Republic: All the heavenly messages confirm the absolute oneness of God

& nbsp; the Grand Mufti of the Republic, Dr. Nazir Ayyad, stressed that the common sense is the light inherent in the depths of man, which guides him to faith in the oneness of God, unless the environment symptoms and the conditions of upbringing are obscured, indicating that when crises and tight tricks are stripped of instinct from the impurities of influences, and it is pronounced by the call of monotheism And the mind guides the proof of certainty. Fald suspicions & quot;
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The Mufti praised the college’s choice of this topic that relates to atheism and deviation from the truth and which is no longer talking about it from the prohibition of saying, but rather it has become a necessity of life, may reach To the extent of the obligatory prayer for scholars and knowledge, stressing that all heavenly messages emphasize the absolute oneness of God in the self, attributes and deeds, and this unit is the main destination of the prophets in their calls
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and he has shown the mufti The existence of God is an intuitive fact that does not need evidence to prove it; All the heavenly messages emphasize the absolute oneness of God in the self, the attributes and actions, and this unity is the main destination of the prophets in their calls, and not just a talk about the existence of God dominated by sophistry and controversy, the mind requires that it is necessary to build from a bia, and in God’s creation is evidence of its existence, glory be to Him: {Does he not know who created, and he is the gentle expert} [الملك: 14]And God Almighty took over the children of Adam in the world of atom: {And when your Lord took from the children of Adam from their appearances and their attempts to themselves} [الأعراف: 172] This is evidence of their approval of its existence, so that no one protests forgetting or negligence. It is not a matter of suspicion or suspicion, but rather it is a matter of multiple evidence for the same meaning, indicating that the normal instinct of man who breaks it on it requires that this universe is a god and master To God, and feels the need of his heart to his Creator; Because with this instinct he can distinguish between good and evil, and feels comfortable when he approaches the truth, and feels miserable when he moves away from him, this instinct is what drives a person to search for truth and justice in his life, and makes him acknowledge the existence of God through what he sees in the universe and himself. p>
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He pointed out that the environment and society can affect the instinct, but if the instinct is sound, the person will remain able to return to the path of God, and he indicated that the effect of the surrounding environment may change the behavior Man, but he cannot change the essence of instinct that is stronger than any external effect, adding that instinct continues to push a person towards the right, no matter how far away, stressing that the person who deviates from his instinct needs a permanent reminder and guidance to return to that instinct. /p>
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Then the Mufti touched on mental evidence, pointing to the words of Imam Abi Al -Hassan Al -Ash’ari in his book & quot; shine & quot; In which he indicated that the evidence of the existence of God is the continuous change in man and other creatures that indicates the occurrence and the need for a creator, indicating that the movement of the night and the day, the movement and its stillness, must be organized, as the Canadian philosopher says.
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He added that there is also a sensual evidence of the existence of God, such as the human vision of the universe, the sky, the earth, and the mountains, which indicates that this universe is based on the law of harness that God has set, for God Almighty says in The Noble Qur’an: {O people, worship your Lord, who created you and those before you, that you may fear [البقرة: 21]. God Almighty’s power. He also talked about the phenomenon of death, which is a paradox of life, which also indicates the existence and wisdom of God in his creation.
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