
Campaign for the Paralympic Games: "To date, no worries on our part"assures the president of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee

“To date, no worries on our part”, assures Marie-Amélie Le Fur, president of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee and co-president of the Paris 2024 athletes’ committee. She reacts Monday May 20 on franceinfo to the campaign launched for the Paralympic Games 100 days before the start of the event. A slogan in particular: “Nothing is missing except you”. The goal: to attract spectators while only a third of the 2,800,000 tickets have been sold to date for the Paralympic Games.

“This slogan was chosen to remind us that we are ready”explains Marie-Amélie Le Fur who gives “meet the general public for an extraordinary event”. The aim of this campaign, she assures, is to “remember the promise of the Paralympic Games”. Another reason, according to Marie-Amélie Le Fur, not to worry about sales for the moment, is the fact that the Olympic Games will, according to her, have an influence on the Paralympics: “We see in the sales flows of previous editions of the Paralympic Games that there is a Games at home effect and that the opening of the festivities in the host country triggers a desire to purchase for the Paralympic ticket office”. “If the Olympics go well,” she continues, “if the French team brings back a lot of medals, all of that will have a positive effect on the Paralympic Games”.

Among the arguments put forward to attract the public to the Paralympic Games, the price: “This ticket office is accessible since the entry price is 15 euros, a lot of tickets are on sale for around 25 euros. We have some sports already ‘sold out’ but we can still come and watch a large part of the sports Paralympics”. There is also “specific ticketing around the Paralympic Games with sports packs, family packs and group ticketing”.

Marie-Amélie Le Fur recognizes it “France is behind in transport accessibility” but she wants to be reassuring: “all stakeholders, transport operators have put themselves in working order to promote the success of the Games”particularly concerning accessibility and transport for people with disabilities. “Staff will be reinforced in the stations at the airports, there will be dedicated shuttles to go from the stations to the competition sites, there will also be a fleet of 1,000 taxis made accessible between now and the Paris Games and on certain competition venues, having a ticket for people with disabilities will trigger the possibility of parking near the competition venues”, lists the president of the Committee. The 2024 Paralympic Games will take place from August 28 to September 8.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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