
A high-ranking Chinese official: "China appreciates the Egyptian role in the Palestinian issue"

Li Chen, official of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that China appreciates the Egyptian role in the Palestinian issue and the continuing efforts to achieve a ceasefire, in addition to Egypt’s pivotal role in alleviating the suffering of civilians through the entry of international humanitarian aid through the Rafah crossing.


The Chinese official added that Egypt is a large country with a great history and ancient civilization, and that Beijing is proud of Cairo for these reasons, in addition to the fact that the two countries have commonalities in civilization and suffering. We pay great attention to Egypt because it has a special status, saying: “We will provide support and assistance to Egypt for economic development, and relations between the two countries will have broader horizons and a very bright future.”


With regard to the escalation in Gaza, Li Chen said that the continuation of the conflict means the continuation of the killing of civilians, and an increase in the number of wounded and injured, and this is a serious humanitarian catastrophe, the continuation of which will lead to the expansion of the conflict in the region, which China rejects. 


Li Chen pointed out the Israeli intransigence against stopping the war in Gaza, and that the Israeli insistence on completing military operations in the Rafah area raises concern, because of the dangers it poses to civilians.


The Chinese Foreign Ministry official clarified his country’s position on the war in Gaza, saying: “We are working with Egypt and the Arab countries; For an immediate and permanent ceasefire and an end to the war.”


He said: “We always stand on the side of truth, justice, and true history, and since the last conflict on October 7, efforts have been made to China has made tireless efforts to find a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue, which we see as the two-state solution and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.


Li Chen stressed that since the outbreak of On October 7, the war did not stop making international calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, and it was communicating with all parties in order to push for the adoption of the first resolution to end the conflict, saying: “We presented to the Security Council China’s paper for a ceasefire, strengthening diplomatic mediation, and finding The political solution.”


The Chinese official added that despite the difficulty and limited communication channels, China continues efforts to alleviate the suffering of civilians in Gaza, by providing humanitarian aid in several batches, Its nature varies between food and medicine.


Li Chen expressed his hope that this suffering will end because the Palestinian people have the right to an independent, peaceful state in which the right holder is In determining his fate, he added: “The Egyptian role is important in reaching a two-state solution, and we are counting on it, and God willing, Cairo will achieve progress as soon as possible.”


The Foreign Ministry official confirmed China’s policy is consistent with the Egyptian policy in restoring the Palestinian people to their legitimate rights and obtaining full membership in the United Nations General Assembly, saying: “We see historical injustice to the Palestinian people, and justice and rights must be restored to this people, and their independent state must be established.” /p>


This came during a meeting with the official of the Arab-Chinese Cooperation Forum, Li Chen, with the Egyptian press delegation in Beijing, within the framework of strengthening and developing Chinese-Egyptian and Sino-Arab relations.

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