Middle East

The Minister of Military Production confirms the Ministry’s interest in enhancing cooperation with Chinese companies in various fields

The Minister of State for Military Production, Engineer Mohamed Salah El-Din Mustafa, stressed the ministry’s interest in enhancing cooperation between military production companies and Chinese companies in various fields in a way that serves both sides. This came during a meeting with the Minister of State for Military Production, representatives of the “FAMSUN” company. At the beginning of the meeting, Minister Mohamed Salah reviewed the technological, manufacturing and technical capabilities of military production companies and units.


The Minister of State for Military Production explained that during the meeting, proposed aspects of cooperation of common interest between “Military Production” and “Military Production” were discussed. And “FAMSUN” company China to exchange experiences and joint manufacturing in various fields, by taking advantage of the capabilities of military production companies and units to serve the state’s sustainable development plans, as military production companies own a group of factories equipped with the latest devices and equipment and with technical cadres with high experience and efficiency.


The minister added that the high capabilities and expertise possessed by both sides paves the way for opening horizons for fruitful bilateral cooperation that achieves the common interest of both parties.


In turn, a representative reviewed “FAMSUN” company Chinese, the company’s capabilities and fields of work, explaining that the manufacturing of some of its products could be localized in military production factories.


He stated that the company "FAMSUN" The Chinese company is considered one of the strongest manufacturing companies that provide integrated solutions for protected crops (greenhouses) of all kinds in terms of (constructing irrigation networks, drainage systems, reservoirs and dams, grain storage projects, grain dryers with smart control systems, mills of all kinds and screening machines, and agricultural-based industries).


He pointed out that the meeting witnessed a discussion of the possibility of opening new horizons for cooperation in various manufacturing fields, expressing his confidence in the technological, manufacturing, artistic and human capabilities possessed by military production companies, which enhanced the success of cooperation between them. And between a number of Chinese companies, which encourages many other Chinese companies to conclude more partnerships with military production in various fields of common interest.


In the same context, he pointed out Media Advisor and Official Spokesman for the Ministry, Muhammad Eid Bakr, pointed out that the Ministry is keen to exchange experiences and localize and transfer the latest global technologies in the various fields of manufacturing within companies and affiliated units, in line with the general direction of the state and achieving its policy aimed at developing and adapting the available industrial, technical and technological capabilities and potentials in a way that supports strategies. Sustainable development by relying on local manufacturing capabilities by Egyptian hands and with the highest international quality standards.  

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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