Middle East

Fatima bint Mubarak: The UAE has devoted its resources and efforts to building a development system based on science and its goal is humanity.

ABU DHABI, 16th May / WAM / Her Highness Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak, “Mother of the Emirates”, President of the General Women’s Union, President of the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood, and Supreme Chairwoman of the Family Development Foundation, confirmed that the UAE has devoted its resources and efforts to building a development system based on science and knowledge, and its goal is leadership in creating a worthy future. With its ambitions, it used as its means to invest in its highest goal, which is to build the human being, provide him with all the elements of excellence, and strive to strengthen comprehensive development bases supported by qualitative achievements in various fields.

This came in Her Highness’s speech on the occasion of her receiving the “Legal Educational Personality Award” for the 17th session of the Khalifa Educational Award, in recognition of her role and contributions in advancing the educational process and supporting excellence in the educational field locally, Arably, and internationally.

Her Highness said: “Education has been and will remain at the forefront of the sectors to which the state gives all support and care, as interest in the quality of education and the quality of its outcomes stems from the faith of our wise leadership headed by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, may God protect him, and his brother, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid. Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, “may God protect him,” and His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Vice President of the UAE, Deputy Prime Minister and Head of the Presidential Court, and their brothers, Their Highnesses Members of the Supreme Council of the Union, Rulers of the Emirates, that it is the path to the future and the main source of development. Which provides it with national human resources qualified to serve the nation, complete the journey, and preserve the identity, with which it embarks on leadership with full confidence.”

Her Highness added: “If we want to maintain our country’s position among the ranks of advanced countries that seek to build civilizations that enjoy leadership, prosperity, and sustainability, then we must stress the role of the family in completing the state’s efforts to prepare the people of the nation. The family is the foundation and nucleus for preserving the achievements of the country.” Our homeland and its continuity, which is achieved by strengthening family cohesion and cohesion to build promising generations that bear their responsibilities towards society and the homeland, proud of their national identity, and adhering to noble values, principles and morals. From this standpoint, the United Arab Emirates pays every care and attention to the family, and is constantly keen to provide all the elements that… It contributes to providing stability and happiness for families and thus contributes to increasing the bonding and love between family members.”

Her Highness said that it is with deep pride that we look with gratitude at the great role of the mother in raising and learning children. The mother has the greatest imprint in preparing the child to integrate into society, and she is the basic cornerstone that advances all the elements of education and upbringing that develop the personality of children. There is no doubt that this is as much as the mother’s awareness and maturity. And her honesty in her dealings with her children, to the extent that children grow up with a normal personality, good care and sound upbringing create a good son who is in harmony with himself and his surroundings, capable of leading the nation’s development process and preserving the legacy of fathers and grandfathers.”

Her Highness stressed the importance of the presence of the father in the lives of children and said: “The father in the lives of children means protection and care. He means role models, authority and family integration. He is the first to plant the seeds of good morals in the souls of children, and he is the hand that pushes progress and protects against pitfalls, so he remains The father is the primary caregiver for the family, and it is difficult to balance the foundations of sound upbringing without his influential presence.”

Her Highness added: “You, my dear sons and daughters, loyal fathers and mothers, must embrace your children with affection and love, respect their privacy, and keep up with their needs according to the stages of your children’s development, because this matter is an extremely important factor in deepening the children’s sense of reassurance and contentment, and it results in the formation of a strong relationship to share dreams.” Your children and their feelings, especially during adolescence, which constitutes protection against many acquired negative behaviors.”

At the conclusion of her speech, Her Highness said: “On this occasion, we stress the importance of concerted efforts and joint work to protect families from the risks they face, in light of a world full of fluctuations resulting from the enormous challenges imposed by the digital age, which escalates the protection of cultural heritage and our authentic identity.”

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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