Middle East

Video: Aboul Gheit: There is no secure future for the region except with a reliable path to establishing a Palestinian state

He saidAhmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States – In his speech before the 33rd Arab Summit Today –  Peace requires the Israeli occupation to abandon its illusions of retaining land and controlling people.



Aboul Gheit continued, Forced displacement is rejected Arably, internationally, morally and legally  Rejected and will not pass, indicating that Some Western countries provided political cover, especially with the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza.


Continue Aboul Gheit: The forced displacement of Palestinians from their lands is unacceptable Arab and internationally, as well as morally, humanely and legally, and that There is no secure future for the region except with a reliable path to establishing an independent Palestinian state.


Confirmed Aboul Gheit said that peace in the region can be achieved through the two-state solution within a specific time frame, noting that the crises of the Arab region still exist and many of them have not resolved, emphasizing that The world is going through an unprecedented state of polarization.


The Arab Summit in Bahrain

It is worth noting that President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Republic, headed yesterday, Wednesday, to the Kingdom of Bahrain to participate in the thirty-third session of the League of Arab States Council at the summit level, which is being held in the city of Manama at the Sakhir Palace.< /span>


The official spokesman for the Presidency of the Republic, Counselor Dr. Ahmed Fahmy said that the President’s participation in the summit comes within the framework of Egypt’s keenness to coordinate with the Arab brothers and unify positions and ranks, in light of the critical stage that the Arab region is going through, and the great challenges it faces at various levels.


The official spokesman added that the summit will discuss in detail the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip, and efforts to resolve the current crisis in order to spare the blood of our Palestinian brothers and protect the Strip from the humanitarian tragedy to which it is exposed, which is currently worsening in light of the Israeli military operation in the Palestinian Rafah. Which requires a clear position rejecting this move from the international community.


The summit will also address the situation in a number of sisterly Arab countries, and how to restore stability in the region in the midst of the major crises it is exposed to, especially in light of the successive changes at the international and regional levels, in addition to following up on joint Arab action efforts to support the path Development for the benefit of all Arab peoples.


The spokesman confirmed that President Sisi will hold a number of bilateral meetings with his fellow Arab leaders on the sidelines of the summit, to discuss ways to enhance cooperation and joint coordination mechanisms.< /span>


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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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