Health and Wellness

this food, which we eat every day, should be avoided to lower blood pressure

When you suffer from hypertension, it is recommended to avoid foods that are too rich in salt, or in any case to limit their consumption.

According to Inserm, one in 3 adults is affected by hypertension. However, not everyone who suffers from it necessarily knows it, even if certain symptoms can alert them. It is the most common cardiovascular disease, the incidence of which increases with age. However, this is not the only risk factor that impacts blood pressure. Diet also plays a crucial role. For example, consuming foods that are too rich in salt can accentuate the development of this disease. We should also avoid one in particular, which we eat every day. Which ?

What daily food should you avoid when you have high blood pressure?

As many experts indicate, it is often recommended to moderate your consumption of foods that are too rich in salt, such as cheese, cold meats or even smoked fish. You should also pay attention to your consumption of bread, a food very popular with the French during meals, starting with breakfast.

Why should you limit your bread consumption? Even if you don’t really realize it when you eat it, this food is quite salty. “We don’t necessarily perceive the taste of salt, but it remains an important source, especially among the French”indicates dietitian-nutritionist Morgane Pujo, Current wife.

According to the Ministry of Health, you should not exceed 5 grams of salt per day, while the WHO recommends not exceeding 2 grams of salt per day when you suffer from hypertension. Like hidden sugars, hidden salts are also found in our food, especially in industrial foods. It is therefore not always easy to spot them.


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What bread should you eat to lower blood pressure?

According to nutritionists, it is better to eat wholemeal bread (made from wheat, oats or rye), because it contains potassium. This nutrient helps lower blood pressure. “I advise paying attention to the quantity of bread, because that is what is problematic before the nature of the bread itself”, advises Morgane Pujo. We can then supplement our diet with “ingredients based on wheat, rice, cereals, legumes, without forgetting vegetables”.

However, the dietitian does not necessarily recommend turning to salt-free bread. “Salt-free bread is only recommended in cases of severe hypertension, or if a salt-free diet must be implemented, and only on medical prescription. It can also be recommended for people who suffer from kidney failure, because it is then necessary to pay attention to the intake of minerals, particularly sodium., she explained. She advises instead to eat bread “in reasonable quantity”. You can then alternate with legumes or dried fruits.

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  • Source of information and images “francetvinfo

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