The White House wants to hear from China words condemning Russia’s actions in Ukraine

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the United States wants to hear words from China denouncing Russia’s steps toward Ukraine.

“Our view is that verbally condemning the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the actions of the Russian military is important and urgent,” Psaki said. “It’s about which side of history you want to be on at the moment.”

According to her, the United States will continue to maintain open channels of communication with China.

Earlier, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said that China’s position on the situation in Ukraine is objective.

According to him, Chinese President Xi Jinping previously, in a conversation with US President Joe Biden, said that in order to resolve the situation, it is necessary to abandon the Cold War mentality. It is also important for all parties to the conflict to come to the negotiating table to avoid further casualties.

He added that China had always “opposed the war”.


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