Middle East

The Public Prosecution conducts an inspection of the May 15 Correction and Rehabilitation Center

 A team of Public Prosecution investigators conducted an inspection of the May 15 Correction and Rehabilitation Center, within the framework of the directives of the Attorney General, Counselor Mohamed Shawqi, to periodically inspect correction and rehabilitation centers and police stations in various parts of the Republic.


The Public Prosecution stated – in a statement today, Saturday – that the Public Prosecution’s investigators inspected the inmates’ wards, ensuring that they were clean, prepared, suitable for their numbers, and free of anything that violated their privacy. The investigators listened to a number of them about their assessment of their living conditions. They did not express any complaints and decided that they enjoyed their full rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the law.


Prosecutor’s investigators also conducted a visit to the medical center attached to the Correction and Rehabilitation Center, where they checked on the conditions of the inmates who frequented it. They regularly received appropriate medical care, and they also inspected the exercise areas, places of visitation and access to their records, places of worship, reading libraries, sports stadiums, and hobby rooms.


The prosecution indicated that Its investigators also inspected food preparation places, determining the suitability of the food there and the extent to which health requirements were met.

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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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