Middle East

5.6% economic growth on an annual basis in the Chinese region of Xinjiang during the first quarter

Urumqi (China), May 21 / WAM / Erkin Tuniyaz, President of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in the People’s Republic of China, announced that the region achieved strong economic growth of 5.6% on an annual basis during the first quarter of 2024, driven by its continued commitment to high-quality openness to the outside world. And accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system.

Tonyaz explained in a statement reported by China Central Channel that the main economic indicators achieved positive results in the first three months of the year after the added value of industries grew above the specified size by 8%, investment in fixed assets by 12.8%, general budget revenues by 10.7%, and foreign trade. By 42.7%.

He pointed out that Xinjiang is working to consolidate its position as a “golden corridor” linking Asia and Europe, with the volume of its foreign trade recording 137.9 billion yuan in the first four months of this year, an increase of 49.5% compared to the same period last year, while it witnessed an active movement of trains. Shipping is on the “China-Europe” route, after more than 2,800 trains have passed through the region’s ports since the beginning of the year, reaching more than 20 countries.

He stressed the region’s endeavor to build a strategic base for energy resources in China, with expectations that its oil and gas production will exceed what it achieved last year, which amounted to 66 million tons, in addition to its distinction as an important center for agricultural supplies. Meanwhile, the tourism sector witnessed a remarkable boom recently after its revenues multiplied 2.27 times. In 2023.

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  • Source of information and images “wam

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