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Charlotte Gainsbourg, heavily in debt? The (very) large sum she borrowed for the Gainsbourg house

While Charlotte Gainsbourg was delighted to open the house of her father, Serge Gainsbourg, to the public, she now finds herself in a delicate situation. The actress is in debt after borrowing a large sum of money…

Charlotte Gainsbourg is in turmoil. After having borrowed a large sum of money to implement the project of opening to the public the Maison de Serge Gainsbourg located at 5 bis, rue de Verneuil in Paris, the daughter of the late singer found herself facing an accumulation of debts, according to information from The Informed.

Charlotte Gainsbourg, in debt because of her father’s house

By opening the house of her father, Serge Gainsbourg, to the public, his famous daughter was full of goodwill. She wanted to pay tribute to her father and celebrate his life, more than thirty years after his death. “I saw the Ministry of Culture and Bertrand Delanoë, convinced that it was an exceptional place, but confronted with the fact that it was small, that we could not open all the doors… It was not simple“, she told Vogue.

So, she contacted architects in order to make this place accessible to the public while keeping her father’s house as it was and building a museum opposite, at 14 rue de Verneuil. Much work has been carried out. On September 20, 2023, the day of the inauguration, no less than 10,000 places were sold in a few hours: a real success!

But this full box from the first day was not enough to cover the debts accumulated by Charlotte Gainsbourg, according to The Informed. “In total, according to a statement made at the end of October 2023, Maison Gainsbourg has accumulated 1.65 million euros in debts with its various suppliers.“, we read.

Charlotte Gainsbourg: the large sum she borrowed

The 52-year-old actress must already “repay several bank loans“since she would have borrowed no less than 3.5 million euros to open her father’s house to the public. And the problems have already started. In February 2024, Arteum, the service provider”responsible for the daily management of the place” sent a formal notice requesting payment of 800,000 euros.

These financial concerns even threatened to close 5 bis rue de Verneuil to the public, just a few months after its opening. “No less annoying, EDF and the security company, who are also awaiting settlements, threatened, a few months ago, to cease all services. Threats that fortunately they did not carry out: otherwise, public visits would have had to be suspended“, we also read.

But who is responsible for this critical situation? According to The Informed, it is the rich real estate developer Dominique Dutreix, associated with Charlotte Gainsbourg, who allegedly made bad choices. But Yvan Attal’s partner would have decided to act. “An ad hoc agent has been appointed, and the situation of the establishment is being discussed before the Paris commercial court (…) Dominique Dutreix was ordered to replenish the establishment’s coffers to the tune of 1.5 million dinars. euros“, it is specified.

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  • Source of information and images “journaldesfemmes

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