
Urgent| The day of harassment against the Zionist entity in The Hague… and the entity’s representative responds with a deal

 The South African delegation confirmed before the International Court of Justice that the Israelis committed genocide and war crimes in Gaza.


The delegation said – in press statements before the International Court of Justice – Israel has not adhered to the Geneva Convention for the Prevention of Genocide, which was signed in 1948, and stipulates not to harm or target civilians. This must be consistent with the actions taken by the signatory states of the Convention, expressing his hope that the importance of international norms will be recognized and acknowledged in accordance with Article 57 of the Treaty, which clearly and explicitly prohibits collective punishment as a war crime, and recognizes that such torture is a war crime.

The team added that the treaty recognizes the obligation of the signatory states to release hostages without any conditions, and this also includes the unjustified and illegal detention of Palestinians by Israel, so we also call for this right and the application of the same rules with regard to Palestinian detainees.

Regarding the data on the numbers of dead and wounded, the numbers of children who fell victim to this war, and the numbers of dead and injured international personnel; It has been confirmed in all possible ways, and investigation work is continuing into these data and numbers, and the court must collect all that data and deliver the correct information through various resources and sources.

The delegation indicated that Israel, in its pleading today, tried to clarify the truth. Parallel, non-existent and unreal, this has been exposed, as every international body has spoken against these allegations, pointing out that Israel paints a different picture regarding civilians in Gaza and shows them living in peace and prosperity. This is contrary to the truth, and Israel’s rejection and non-allowance of international bodies such as “UNRWA” The team responsible for distributing aid can operate freely, and the continued attack on UNRWA and a number of UN agencies responsible for storing humanitarian aid is completely contradictory to what we heard in the Israeli plea.

With regard to the aid and supply convoys, the team stressed that the matter is not related to numbers, but to facts. In reality; Since there is an attack on relief convoys and we saw reports from journalists and rapporteurs on the battlefield that settlers in the West Bank are destroying all convoys coming from Jordan to Gaza under the eyes of Israeli soldiers, these are the facts that Israel wishes us not to see. 


The demonstrators chanted against the delegation of the Zionist entity: They are liars.. Free Palestine



After the Public Prosecutor presented her pleas, the The delegation of the Zionist entity, headed by the Deputy Legal Advisor to the occupation government, Dr. Gil Ad Naoum, presented its arguments.


As the representative of the Zionist entity finished his false plea, anti-Israel chants were heard from the stands, including "liars" And “Free Palestine”.   

The Israeli prosecutor said at the beginning of his statements, “This case indicates a distortion of reality in South Africa’s efforts to bring the Zionist entity to this court by exploiting this sacred treaty.”  

The Zionist prosecutor claimed that South Africa presented a picture completely contradictory to the facts and circumstances, claiming, with usual Zionist bravado, that the truth must be told, and words must live up to their meaning, pointing out that calling something a "genocide" Frequently does not make it genocide. Repeating a lie does not make it genocide.”  


Dr. Noam continued his allegations by saying: “Israel entered a war that it did not want and did not start,” claiming that the Zionist entity is under attack and must defend itself.


The Israeli prosecutor, in continuation of his statements, referred to the circumstances of the Israeli army’s operation in the city of Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, saying: “South Africa changed its request to issue an order to stop fighting in the entire Strip – not in Rafah only.  Dr. Naoum also claimed that Rafah is a center for terrorist activity, a strong stronghold of Hamas with several brigades, and the city has a network of underground tunnels including control centers and military equipment. 


The Zionist prosecutor continued his lies that nearly 700 tunnels were discovered in Rafah alone – including 50 tunnels to cross into Egypt, claiming that Hamas tunnels to supply itself with weapons and ammunition and could be used to smuggle Israeli prisoners or Hamas fighters into Egypt. He added: “Since the beginning of the war, more than 400 rockets have been launched from Rafah, including 120 in the past two weeks alone, also claiming that 600 launch sites have been identified in the Rafah area, many of them hidden near civilian infrastructure.”




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  • Source of information and images “rosaelyoussef

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