
European rules on artificial intelligence come into force next month

BRUSSELS, May 21 / WAM / The European Council in Brussels announced that the historic European rules on artificial intelligence will enter into force next month, after the European Union countries approved them during a meeting of European affairs ministers, in a political agreement reached in December, which sets a global standard. Potential guardrails for technology are used in almost every aspect of life and business.

Concerns about AI’s contribution to misinformation, fake news and copyrighted material have intensified globally in recent months amid the growing popularity of generative AI systems.

Belgian Minister of Digitalization Mathieu Michel said in a statement that this historic law, the first of its kind in the world, addresses a global technical challenge, and also provides opportunities for our societies and economies.

He added that Europe emphasizes, through the Artificial Intelligence Law, the importance of trust, transparency and accountability when dealing with new technologies, while ensuring that this rapidly changing technology can flourish and enhance European innovation.

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